"Aldhani" represents the fourth installment within the inaugural season of the television series, Andor. This particular episode showcases the character of Mon Mothma, and it delves into the collaborative planning of a daring theft from the forces of the Galactic Empire by Luthen Rael in conjunction with Cassian Jeron Andor. Its original broadcast occurred on September 28, 2022.
Facing a dearth of alternatives, Cassian enlists in a venture aimed at penetrating an Imperial garrison situated on Aldhani. Concurrently, within the sprawling urban landscape of Coruscant, the capital world, operatives from the Imperial Security Bureau embark on a meticulous process of compiling information pertaining to the disturbances originating from Ferrix, as Senator Mon Mothma skillfully navigates intricate networks of political maneuvering.
The episode commences with Luthen Rael and [Cassian Jeron Andor](/article/cassian_jeron_andor] journeying through hyperspace aboard a Fondor Haulcraft with Aldhani as their destination. Andor seeks out a medpac, and Rael extends an offer of med nog. Andor expresses his curiosity regarding Aldhani. Rael presents Andor with a binary choice: either disembarking him on an alternate planet or accompanying him to engage in a broader conflict. Acknowledging Andor's aptitude for theft, Rael proposes an opportunity to disrupt the Empire and receive compensation for it.
Andor probes into Rael's true nature, contemplating whether he is a rebel or a partisan. Andor admits that he is primarily motivated by survival and lacks interest in Rael's cause. He reveals that he endured two years of imprisonment and participated in combat on the planet Mimban at the age of 16 years old. Andor further recounts his survival as part of a unit of 50. Rael counters by highlighting Andor's six-month tenure on Mimban as a cook and his subsequent escape as the reason for his survival.
Rael posits that Andor should harbor greater resentment towards the Galactic Empire for compelling him to collaborate with others for survival. Rael extends an invitation to Andor to contribute to the Empire's downfall, emphasizing his deliberate pursuit of him. Rael proposes to compensate Andor with 200,000 credits for participating in a mission to seize the quarterly payroll of an entire Imperial sector.
At the galactic capital of Coruscant, Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Supervisor Dedra Meero is present at a gathering at ISB Headquarters. During the assembly, Supervisor Grandi states that a rise in quarterly detentions across the Ryloth sector would diminish local authority, thus requiring an increase in their blackline budget. Major Lio Partagaz asks for more specifics and is unsatisfied with her justification about increasing Imperial surveillance activities. Partagaz then questions Lagret about the advancement of his memorandum regarding mining on Arvala-Six, which has led to the displacement of the local populace.
Partagaz inquires about the agency's mission from the ISB officials. Meero states that their objective is to improve security by gathering intelligence, offering insightful analysis, and performing effective covert operations. Partagaz retorts that Meero's response is a direct quote from the ISB mission statement and is inaccurate. He draws a comparison between the ISB and healthcare providers who address symptoms and find "germs" to treat illnesses. Partagaz reassigns the responsibility of writing the memorandum from Lagret to another ISB official.
Partagaz then questions Blevin regarding an incident on Ferrix within the Morlana sector. Blevin replies that the Corporate Tactical Forces have jurisdiction over the incident and explains that they encountered more resistance than expected while attempting to serve a warrant. When Partagaz presses Blevin further, he explains that numerous personnel were killed and property was damaged. Blevin also mentions that a stolen Imperial Starpath unit was also recovered from the scene. Blevin offers to investigate further, but Partagaz states that they will confer before his departure. Partagaz asks Lonni Jung about protection requests for traffic to the [Abrion sector](/article/abrion_sector]. Jung reports an increase in protected shipping heading towards Scarif. Meero glances at a screen during the meeting.
On the verdant hills of Aldhani, Andor adopts the alias "Clem" and shaves his facial hair. Rael identifies his local contact approaching them. Before departing to meet the contact, he provides Andor with a Kuati Signet as an initial payment, explaining that it was created to commemorate an ancient uprising against the Rakatan invaders. Rael conveys to Andor his intention to reclaim the signet if he survives, emphasizing its value of at least 50,000 credits.
The contact is revealed to be a human woman named Vel Sartha. When Sartha inquires about any issues, Rael responds that he believes things are aligning. While Andor observes through the cockpit windows, the Fondor Droid Mod engages in conversation with him. Outside, Rael explains that "Clem" possesses skills in piloting, marksmanship, deception, and multilingualism. Sartha expresses skepticism about enlisting an unproven recruit and mercenary for their planned heist. Rael presents her with the option of either including "Clem" in their mission or abandoning the entire operation. When Sartha raises objections, Rael informs her that this is her chance to lead and underscores "Clem"'s expendability.
At the Pre-Mor Enforcement headquarters, ISB agent Blevin informs Chief Inspector Hyne, Deputy Inspector Syril Karn, and Sergeant Linus Mosk that they are required to relinquish all comlinks, weapons, and documents to the Empire. He states that they will be dispatched to a transfer center where they will receive their personal belongings. Blevin also directs them to certify confirmation of the official ISB After Action Report detailing their involvement in the "Ferrix Incident."
Hyne protests his lack of involvement, but Blevin attributes their perceived incompetence, ineptitude, and complete disengagement to the recent debacle on Ferrix. Blevin prevents Mosk from speaking. He also informs Karn that he will not be replaced. Blevin uses the Ferrix debacle as a justification for placing the Morlana system under permanent Imperial control.
Returning to Aldhani, Andor accompanies Sartha as they descend a hill. Sartha inquires about his arm. Andor asks about Rael's identity, but she advises him to have inquired with Rael when he had the opportunity. She also cautions Andor against mentioning Rael to the others upon their return to camp. When Andor questions their remote location, Sartha briefs him on their plan to rob the armory of the Aldhani Garrison. Sartha clarifies that their route avoids a nearby Imperial airfield. She states that their team now comprises seven members, including Andor. During their journey, they evade two patrolling TIE fighters.
Elsewhere, ISB Attendant Heert briefs Dedra Meero on the Ferrix incident, reporting the deaths of one local and four Preox-Morlana security employees. Meero locates the Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit in the database, granting them jurisdiction over the case. Meero expresses her desire to avoid arousing Blevin's interest. Later, Rael's Fondor Droid Mod pilots Rael's ship to Coruscant. In seclusion, Rael dons a grey wig and elaborate purple attire adorned with rings.
Back on Aldhani, Sartha informs Andor about the history of the Aldhani highlands, explaining that the Empire relocated the Aldhani to a free-enterprise zone in the lowlands. Andor consumes water from a stream. In another location, Meero confronts Blevin for withholding information pertaining to the Ferrix incident. Blevin asserts that the Ferrix incident falls under his purview, but Meero counters that the theft of the Starpath unit grants her jurisdiction in the case. Blevin denies her request a second time and attempts to assert his authority. Meero responds that she will escalate the matter to Partagaz.
While Sartha and Andor continue their travels, a sleeping rebel named Karis Nemik is approached at gunpoint by another man named Arvel Skeen, who reprimands him for neglecting his guard duty. The two soon observe Sartha and Andor approaching through a pair of macrobinoculars. The other rebels are unsettled by the presence of the newcomer "Clem." Sartha apologizes for the delayed introduction of "Clem" and asserts that he will provide them with "critical redundancy" in all areas. Sartha introduces Andor to her comrades Skeen, Taramyn Barcona, Nemik, and Cinta Kaz. Barcona expresses discomfort regarding "Clem"'s presence, but Sartha instructs her subordinates to extend a warm welcome to him.
Elsewhere, the former Preox-Morlana Deputy-Inspector Syril Karn visits his mother Eedy Karn on Coruscant. She slaps him before embracing him. Back on Aldhani, Kaz tends to Andor's arm injury. Barcona objects to "Clem"'s presence, but Vel insists on her trust in "Clem." On Coruscant, Luthen and his assistant Kleya Marki meet with Senator Mon Mothma at his ornate gallery. Following pleasantries and discussions about art, Rael and Mothma address their primary concern. Mothma discusses the challenges of transferring funds. She also reveals her suspicion of being under surveillance. She also informs him of her recruitment of a new ally. Rael assures Mothma of his and Marki's trustworthiness.
Senator Mothma returns home and discusses arrangements for a dinner party with her husband Perrin Fertha. Mothma expresses discomfort with certain dinner guests, including Ars Dangor and Sly Moore, who were invited by her husband. Mothma suggests that Fertha extend invitations to guests from Ghorman since the Empire severed their shipping lanes the previous day. Mothma is displeased with her husband's guest list and considers canceling the party. Fertha complains about the pervasive "boring and sad" atmosphere.
Meanwhile on Aldhani, Sartha's rebels are joined by their garrison contact Lieutenant Gorn. Gorn is wary of "Clem" and informs Sartha about an impending visit from an Imperial engineer from Coruscant. Subsequently, Sartha briefs her rebel team on the Alkenzi Air Base, an Imperial installation situated near the sacred river of Nasma Klain. She employs a model to illustrate how the Aldhani Garrison serves as a repository for supplies, weapons, and the Imperial sector payroll. Sartha explains that the base includes a runway that descends underground. The vault containing the payroll is situated beneath the runway. The garrison is defended by forty troops. Their strategy involves smuggling the payroll and escaping via a starship using the runway.
Gorn informs the team about an Aldhani ceremony known as the Eye of Aldhani. Thousands journey from across the land to witness a meteor shower. Gorn mentions having witnessed it twice and assures "Clem" that it is an unforgettable spectacle. Nemik clarifies that the Eye of Aldhani is not a conventional meteor shower but rather a recurring band of crystallized, noctilucent microdensities. He describes them as billions of crystals that explode as the planet Aldhani orbits through an asteroid belt, portraying it as a magnificent sight. Nemik proposes leveraging the meteor shower as a diversion for their heist. Sartha states that the meteor shower is scheduled to occur in three days. Andor remains skeptical, but Sartha expresses confidence in her plan's success.
Lieutenant Meero presents her case to Major Partagaz, asserting that the Starpath unit recovered on Ferrix was traced to a theft from a base within her sector. When Partagaz accuses her of inciting intra-office conflict, Meero suggests that the Starpath heist is part of a broader conspiracy to acquire Imperial equipment for an organized Rebellion. She references three prior case files that indicate a pattern. Partagaz dismisses Meero's concerns, citing what he perceives as inadequate evidence, and instructs her to confine her focus to her assigned sectors. Partagaz reminds her of two overdue reports and directs her to prioritize enforcement matters, including increasing incarceration rates.
Barcona briefs "Clem" on the Rono freighter specifications and the base layout. Before "Clem" can eat, Sartha orders him to allow Kaz to examine his wounds and to commit the specifications and layout to memory by morning. Sartha assumes watch duty.