The Pre-Mor Authority Security Forces, also known as Pre-Mor Enforcement, or simply Corporate Authority and the Pre-Mor security service, functioned as the private security force and Corporate Tactical Forces for the Consolidated Holdings of Preox-Morlana Corporation conglomerate. This organization operated throughout the Free Trade sector, with the primary duty of safeguarding the corporation's assets and workforce. Pre-Mor Enforcement was integrated within the Corporate Tactical Forces and was allied with the Galactic Empire.
The Pre-Mor Enforcement force, acting as both Corporate Tactical Forces and a [law enforcement agency](/article/law_enforcement_agency], was under the command of a Chief Inspector. This individual was tasked with maintaining order within the Preox-Morlana sector and served as a point of contact with the Galactic Empire. The Chief Inspector was required to regularly submit reports on the sector's crime statistics to the Imperial Regional Command. While holding overall command of the Pre-Mor forces, the Chief Inspector was ultimately subject to Imperial authority and could be removed from their position during times of crisis. Supporting the Chief Inspector were several Deputy Inspectors, who were responsible for investigating criminal activities within the sector.

Sentry guards, often called "corpos," carried out enforcement and policing duties. These guards were organized into units known as Pre-Mor Security Inspection teams and were supervised by a sergeant. These guards had to follow a code of conduct, which restricted the consumption of certain alcoholic drinks, such as Revnog, and visits to places like brothels.
While active duty was limited to sentry guard units, a number of analysts were also stationed at the Corporate Security Headquarters on Morlana One. Their job was to help operational units by gathering and analyzing information related to crime suspects, which helped in their identification and arrest.

Typically, Pre-Mor enforcement officers were equipped with sidearms, such as the B1-NA blaster pistol model featuring retractable sights, as part of their standard attire. These blaster pistols were marked with the Preox-Morlana corporation logo and a unique serial number, allowing them to be traced if stolen. In special operations that demanded greater firepower, Inspection units could be assigned specialized long-range blaster rifles, which resembled a carbine version of the SE-14C blaster pistol. These rifles were to be used by specially trained members of the team. All Pre-Mor personnel also carried shoulder-mounted comlinks and frequency scanners, which could be used to find the source of radio transmissions.
Pre-Mor corpos wore blue Mk 35 lightweight blast vests with orange stripes and the Preox-Morlana logo on the left side, along with matching caps, combat gloves, weatherproof expedition boots, and gray-blue suits with black-padded knees and elbows, as well as spaulders. Officers wore the same uniform as the corpos, but with the addition of a fully orange-colored visor on their cap.
Pre-Mor Enforcement personnel were transported to and from their Morlana One headquarters using Pre-Mor Authority Patrol personnel carriers. These pyramid-shaped starships had hyperdrive capabilities and could dock up to six smaller craft. These smaller craft were usually mobile Tac-Pods, which were six-man armed personnel carriers and landing craft used for planetary landings and providing air support during special operations.