The central base of operations for Preox-Morlana and its Security division was the Corporate Security Headquarters, situated on the planet Morlana One.
The Pre-Mor Enforcement, which was the security arm of Preox-Morlana, had its headquarters and central command located in the Corporate Security Headquarters. This complex was composed of several buildings along the coast of Morlana One. A high fence, complete with observation towers, enclosed the area. The complex consisted of several glass rhombohedral structures interconnected via skybridges. The grounds surrounding the towers featured pathways connecting the buildings, as well as subterranean passages leading to lower levels.

The main building housed the Pre-Mor Enforcement Command center, a space equipped with numerous computers and holoscreens used for monitoring the entire Preox-Morlana sector. Analysts worked in shifts, gathering daily information to be delivered to their officers. They could also issue official bulletins on behalf of Pre-Mor Enforcement, requesting information from citizens regarding criminal activities.
Within the same building, Pre-Mor security personnel also had their offices. These included the Chief Inspector's Office, utilized for important meetings and interviews, alongside offices for lower-ranking officers such as Deputy Inspectors.