Pre-Mor Enforcement Command center

The central hub for the Pre-Mor Enforcement Command Center served as the primary operational base for Pre-Mor Enforcement situated on Morlana One. This command center oversaw the Free Trade sector and possessed an Imperial census record of Kenari, which, by 5 BBY, was already six years in age. Notifications concerning illicit actions were disseminated and directed to this command center. In the year 5 BBY, Deputy Inspector Syril Karn issued a bulletin regarding a male from Kenari who was located on Ferrix. Subsequently, Timm Karlo's tip implicated Cassian Jeron Andor as a possible suspect in the deaths of two Corpos on Morlana One, a claim corroborated by an Unidentified brothel hostess.

Following this, Sergeant Linus Mosk received orders to report to the Command Center, having been informed about Cassian Jeron Andor, to assist Deputy Inspector Syril Karn during the Ambush on Ferrix. The unsuccessful Ambush on Ferrix resulted in the Galactic Empire assuming complete authority over the Morlani system, encompassing the Pre-Mor command center itself.

