Linus Mosk, a human male smelter, was once a sergeant in the Pre-Mor Authority Security Forces, an arm of the Consolidated Holdings of Preox-Morlana Corporation. This occurred before his work on the planet Morlana One. An incident on Ferrix led to his demotion and disgrace. He later secured employment at a smelter on Morlana One. Mosk held the Galactic Empire in high revered, viewing it as a symbol of order and law.
In the wake of the deaths of two Preox-Morlana employees, which happened in 5 BBY, Deputy Inspector Syril Karn summoned Mosk to Corporate Security Headquarters on Morlana One. They conferred about the case and decided to travel to Ferrix with a squad to apprehend their primary suspect, Cassian Andor. Aboard a personnel carrier, the squad journeyed to Ferrix. Mosk briefed the team, dividing them into three groups. Mosk and Karn were assigned to West Team. After deploying in a Mobile Tac-Pod, they went to the Andor household to execute the warrant. There, they encountered Maarva Andor, Cassian's adoptive mother, and the droid B2EMO, but not Cassian himself. While they questioned the droid, Cassian contacted it via comlink. By tracing the signal, they located Cassian. Mosk dispatched East Team to encircle him. Mosk and Karn, leaving two West Team members behind, moved towards Cassian's location. Reports came in that East Team was under attack and suffering casualties. Mosk and West Team hurried to assist, but Cassian had escaped with a collaborator. Karn and Mosk positioned themselves on [Rix Road](/article/rix_road], awaiting the fugitives. When North Team joined them, Mosk and his men fired upon a landspeeder they believed contained Cassian and his accomplice, disabling it. However, the speeder was a diversion, and it exploded, killing several of Mosk's men, while the two criminals made their escape on a speeder bike.
Following this event, the Galactic Empire took control of the Morlani system, ending corporate autonomy. Imperial Security Bureau Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin reprimanded Mosk and Karn and reassigned them to a transfer center. Mosk found work at a smelter on Morlana One. He later learned of Maarva's death and contacted Syril, thinking Andor would appear at her funeral. Mosk survived the ensuing riot, then consumed a flask of alcohol.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Linus Mosk held the rank of sergeant within the Corporate Tactical Forces of Preox-Morlana, also known as Pre-Mor Enforcement. In 5 BBY, in the middle of the night, he was summoned to Corporate Security Headquarters on Morlana One to meet with Deputy Inspector Syril Karn. Karn was investigating the murder of two Preox-Morlana employees, Kravas Drezzer and Verlo Skiff.

Having been briefed en route, Mosk entered the headquarters bullpen and gave Karn a sharp salute as the inspector approached. They both agreed on the need for swift action to capture Cassian Andor, the prime suspect. Mosk suggested taking twelve men and agreed that Karn should join them. He complimented Karn's dedication and left after Karn said he would pass Mosk's kind words to Chief Inspector Hyne.
The following day, Mosk, Karn, and twelve men boarded a personnel carrier destined for Ferrix, where Andor was located. During the vessel's journey through hyperspace, Mosk showed the men an outdated hologram of Andor, warning them that their target was more dangerous than he appeared. He handed the holoprojector to one of his men and divided the group into North Team, East Team, and West Team. West Team, including Karn and himself, would execute the warrant and attempt to expedite rapidly while the other two teams took position for a pincer movement if Andor tried to flee.

Mosk concluded by noting that some Ferrix residents might disapprove of the Tactical Forces' presence, but instructed his men to direct them to file official complaints at the monthly Territorial Forum. He pivoted sharply and yielded the floor to Karn, standing behind him with his hands clasped. Despite Karn's uninspiring speech, Mosk initiated applause and complimented the deputy inspector.
Upon the personnel carrier's arrival above Ferrix, each team descended to the surface in a Mobile Tac-Pod. Mosk traveled closely with Karn. West Team's pod landed near refinery tanks, away from the other two. The squad exited via the rear ramp. Mosk reported their arrival via comlink and received updates from the other teams. West Team advanced through the town toward the Andor residence, with Mosk instructing East Team to secure the location upon landing.

At the residence, the team buzzed twice before Maarva Andor, Cassian's adoptive mother, answered. However, she attempted to close the door when Karn announced the warrant. The team forced their way inside and searched the property. Mosk reported the discovery of the family's droid, B2EMO, to Karn, and the group gathered to question it. Before the droid could answer, Cassian contacted it via comlink, his voice audible to the Tactical Forces. Despite B2EMO's silence, Cassian delivered a message for Maarva, speaking long enough for Mosk to trace the call's origin. As a crowd gathered outside, Mosk left West-3 and West-4 to guard the house and departed with Karn and the remaining two West Team members.
The locals immediately crowded around Mosk and his men, demanding answers about Maarva. Mosk pushed them back, stating it was business as usual. The group began the ten-minute walk to Cassian's location while East Team secured the exterior. Wilmon Paak, a local boy, spotted West Team and alerted his father, Salman Paak, who spread the word. Many locals began loudly striking hanging metal outside their homes and businesses as the streets emptied. Karn inquired about the noise, but Mosk dismissed it as intimidation and continued without stopping. East Team reported that they had Cassian surrounded, but Mosk ordered them to await West Team's arrival. However, Luthen Rael, Cassian's contact, detonated charges on the building's doors, incapacitating two East Team members. The remaining members reported this to Mosk, who began running to assist as Cassian and Rael exchanged fire and downed another man.
With East Team silent, Mosk contacted North Team, demanding their position, which they eventually reported as North Stairs Lane. He ordered them to relocate to Rix Road and launch a Tac-Pod immediately. North Team delayed due to a confrontation with Timm Karlo, a local. After one of the team killed Karlo, the team's leader responded to Mosk and sent the killer to launch the pod. The last West Team member reported the additional casualty and Cassian's accomplice. With Rael and Cassian heading toward Mosk's location, Mosk ordered the last member of East Team to flank the targets. At Karn's suggestion, Mosk ordered West Team to split up and position themselves around the intersection on Rix Road to prepare for Cassian and Rael's arrival. Mosk took the team's blaster rifle and set up on a roof terrace, taking a long pull from a flask as he waited.
After North Team reported their position, the locals ceased their metal-banging, causing Mosk to ready his weapon in the sudden silence. He noticed an explosion high on the scavenging facilities, unsure of its cause. The explosion was North Team's Tac-Pod colliding with the structure after sabotage. Concerned about being surrounded, Mosk swore. A landspeeder then launched from a nearby building and across the intersection, prompting Mosk and his men to open fire. Under heavy fire, the speeder flipped as it reached North Team's location.
Convinced they had their quarry, Karn looked at Mosk, who smiled back. However, a speeder bike carrying Rael and Cassian emerged from the same building and sped away. Rael detonated charges hidden inside the empty landspeeder, wiping out North Team. Mosk desperately tried to contact the downed men, then rushed to street level when he received no response. With the targets gone, Mosk called for bacta for the wounded and requested an evacuation from Nova, using the callsign Delta-One, as he ran to North Team. After helping one man up, he approached Karn, who stood motionless, and dragged him away, shouting in his face when he did not react.
Following the incident, a report reached the Imperial Security Bureau, and the Morlani system was placed under Imperial authority, ending corporate independence. Imperial personnel arrived at Corporate Security Headquarters and began clearing it out. Mosk, Karn, and Hyne were summoned to Hyne's office to meet with Lieutenant Supervisor Blevin, who managed the bureau's operations in the sector. Blevin ordered them to relinquish comlinks, weapons, and scandocs and informed them that they would be escorted to a transfer center, unable to return to their living quarters. Any inventoried items would be returned at the center, requiring holo-certification of receipt.
They would also holo-certify confirmation of the official ISB After Action Report detailing their involvement in the Ferrix incident, though Blevin stated they would not waste Imperial time reading it. Hyne's complaint about his lack of involvement prompted Blevin to berate them for the idiocy, ineptitude, and disengagement that led to the incident. Mosk raised his hand but lowered it when Blevin questioned him, before informing them of the Imperial takeover.

After his dismissal, Mosk remained on Morlana One and found work at a smelter, facing tougher circumstances. His former Preox-Morlana partner, still employed at the headquarters night desk, informed him that Maarva Andor had died on Ferrix, causing increased Imperial communication between Morlana One and Coruscant. During a night shift break, Mosk used a smelter communications device to call Karn, who had returned to Coruscant to live with his mother, Eedy Karn. Karn requested that Mosk relay any information about Cassian.
Mosk apologized for disturbing Syril and his family, then, pausing due to the smelter's noise, quickly relayed the information. The conversation was also hampered by a poor connection, but Mosk conveyed that Cassian might return for Maarva's funeral and expressed pleasure that Syril remained focused on Cassian. As Syril tried to inquire about the funeral and request a meeting, the connection dropped.
On the day of Maarva's funeral, both Mosk and Syril Karn traveled to Ferrix, hoping to spot Andor. They observed the funeral from the crowd, but Imperial troops prevented them from getting closer.
Mosk and Karn witnessed a riot between the Imperials and Ferrix's inhabitants on Fountain Square. When a bomb was thrown, Karn saved ISB agent Dedra Meero, followed by Mosk. However, an Imperial soldier pushed Mosk back. Mosk survived the riot, then sat alone, drinking from a flask.

Mosk considered working for Preox-Morlana a privilege and welcomed being roused at night for the Andor case. He believed in the importance of speed when serving inspiring leadership. He felt Karn's presence during the arrest would boost morale. He viewed the murder of his colleagues as outrageous and believed anything less than full engagement would be unconscionable, having witnessed the negative impact of half-measures on discipline. He believed in a stronger approach when dealing with affiliated planets like Ferrix, perceiving pockets of unrest. He saw the Tactical Forces as the Empire's first line of defense and believed in keeping them sharp.
Despite his strict discipline, Mosk cared for his men and was distressed by their injuries. When informed of injuries during a firefight with Andor and Rael, he jogged to assist. Upon seeing the North Team injured by the explosive speeder, he immediately ran to their aid and called for bacta.
Mosk appeared determined. Even after losing his job, he and Syril Karn returned to Ferrix, demonstrating his persistence.
Mosk had a stocky build, blue eyes, and blond-graying hair with sideburns.
Alex Ferns played Linus Mosk in Andor, debuting in the second episode on September 21, 2022. He was visually revealed in the teaser trailer and identified in the subtitles of the first full trailer on May 26 and August 1 of 2022. Ferns enjoyed playing the character. He confirmed on Twitter that he would not return for Andor Season Two but appreciated fan appreciation. Ferns imagined Mosk defecting to the rebellion after "Rix Road."