
The Rakatans, also called the Rakata, were an ancient amphibious humanoid species originating from the planet Lehon. This species is known for having ruled over what was known as the Infinite Empire. Legends hold that they were the first to master the art of hyperspace travel. In ancient galactic times, the Rakatans launched an invasion, only to be pushed back by a local uprising. A Kuati Signet featuring a blue kyber crystal was created to commemorate this rebellion. It is said that the Rakatan species ultimately met its end due to the corrupting influence of the dark side of the Force. They share their designation with enigmatic relics referred to as Rakatan wraith boxes.

Behind the scenes

Canon and origins

A Rakata in Star Wars Legends

The Rakatans initially entered the new Star Wars canon through the forty-fifth issue of the De Agostini magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, specifically its German version. The species' origin lies within Star Wars Legends in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Within that game, the Rakata are portrayed as the diminished remains of a once vast empire that achieved dominance by conquering, governing, and devastating other species through their mastery of the dark side of the Force. The Force was the source of power for the Rakatans' hyperspace technology.


Star Wars series

A Mon Calamari in Star Wars (2015) 48

In the forty-eighth issue of the 2015 comic book series Star Wars, which was penned by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca, and brought to the public by Marvel Comics on May 23, 2018, there was an error where an unnamed Mon Calamari was mistakenly depicted as a member of the Rakatan species according to the script.

Poe Dameron series

"Generic alien extra #3457" in Poe Dameron 7

Similarly, in the seventh issue of the 2016 comic book series Star Wars: Poe Dameron, written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Angel Unzueta, and released by Marvel Comics on October 26, 2016, an unidentified "thug," referred to as "generic alien extra #3457" and described as a "mysterious background guy" by Story Group's Matt Martin on Twitter, also bore a resemblance to the Rakatans, although their specific species was not identified.

