ISB Supervisor Grandi, a female human, held the lieutenant's rank within the Imperial Security Bureau. In 5 BBY, during a gathering on the planet Coruscant, she communicated her expectation that detention estimates in the Ryloth sector would rise, possibly necessitating a larger blackline budget. Major Partagaz then accused her of intentionally obscuring the intended use of these additional resources and demanded specific details.

As a female human, Grandi functioned as a supervisor with the lieutenant's rank in the Investigations division of the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau. She had oversight of the Ryloth sector, and in 5 BBY she participated in a meeting inside an ISB Central Office building on Coruscant. At this meeting she communicated that the sector’s expected detentions were projected to increase in the coming quarter. Following her statement that any further weakening of local authority in the sector would necessitate a larger blackline budget, Major Partagaz, who was presiding over the meeting, inquired about the specific allocation of these new resources.
Grandi responded with a chuckle that they would be allocated to surveilling anti-Imperial activities, but Partagaz was not satisfied and accused her of being deliberately evasive. While Grandi denied the accusation, he demanded that she furnish him with specific details before the day's end, then moved to the next topic on the agenda. Later, when Partagaz posed a question to the entire room concerning the purpose of the Imperial Security Bureau, Grandi remained silent.
After the theft of the Imperial payroll for an entire sector from an Imperial installation on the planet Aldhani, Grandi, along with other supervisors and staff, were summoned back to the meeting room. Partagaz addressed the assembly, instructing them to inform their staff and families that they would not be returning home and mandating that every Star Sector and Planetary Emergency Retaliation plan in the building be prepared for presentation by midnight.
Grandi was seen wearing a white Imperial officer's uniform, complete with a code cylinder on each shoulder and a rank insignia plaque displaying three blue squares.
Lucy Russell played Grandi in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the Andor television series, which was broadcast on September 28, 2022. Prior to the episode's debut, her visual appearance was revealed in the show's teaser trailer, which aired on May 26, 2022.