Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest

The antique dealer Luthen Rael owned and ran a gallery known as Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest. This establishment was situated on the planet of Coruscant. While it gave the impression of being a high-class store that appealed to affluent collectors, the gallery actually served a more covert function. It was a clandestine gathering spot for those who opposed the Galactic Empire and had gained the confidence of both Rael and his colleague, Kleya Marki.


Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest displayed a remarkable collection of ancient artifacts.

In the year 5 BBY, Mon Mothma, an Imperial Senator representing Chandrila, made a visit to the gallery. On the surface, her intention was to find a Day of Days present for her husband, Perrin Fertha. However, once they were sure they were unobserved by prying eyes, she and Rael engaged in a discussion about their mounting worries regarding the Empire's escalating surveillance, as well as the possibility of recruiting new individuals into their group.

Despite its real function as a cover for underground resistance, the gallery did, in fact, contain a variety of genuine and uncommon historical items. These ranged from military equipment such as a Mandalorian armor set, Sith armor, a Gungan personal energy shield, and an Utapaun monk cudgel, to more creative works such as a Kashyyyk clarion and a Twi'lek Kalikori. During their meeting in 5 BBY, Rael presented Mothma with a bas-relief that was on loan. The artwork portrayed a two-faced divinity that was part-sun goddess and part-serpent.

On the subsequent night, Rael stayed awake late into the night, endeavoring to ascertain the status of the rebel group stationed on Aldhani. His associate, Kleya, discovered him and reminded him that there was nothing more he could do for them, so he simply needed to wait to find out if the mission was successful or not. The following morning, Kleya presented a female customer with a selection of necklaces that were available for purchase, and the woman was particularly drawn to one that was crafted using Devaron blue. Rael then informed the woman that the necklace bore an inscription in a language that had been lost to time, which the woman found to be regrettable. However, Rael countered that it was "liberating" because she was free to interpret it as she pleased and could have her own secret language. Rael was then jokingly asked by another customer if they had anything from Aldahani. When Rael looked at him confused the man explained that there had been a rebel attack there the night before that was all over the news. Rael then claimed he would have to look in the back to see if they had anything where he let out a laugh at the realization that the plan was successful.

Miscellaneous items in collection

Behind the scenes

Luthen Rael in the Galactic Antiquities shop

The gallery was initially seen in the debut trailer for the Disney+ series titled Andor. Its first official appearance was in the fourth episode of the series, "Aldhani." The Databank entry for Kleya Marki was the first place it was identified.

[Luke Hull](/article/luke_hull], the production designer, was responsible for the gallery's design. The intention behind the design of the gallery's public space and private area was to reflect the contrast between Mon Mothma's public persona and her private self. The set provided an opportunity for creative collaboration between Genevieve O'Reilly and Stellan Skarsgård, the actors who portrayed Mon Mothma and Luthen Rael, respectively. [Tony Gilroy](/article/tony_gilroy], the executive producer, was unaware of the specific antiquities that the art department had chosen to include in the gallery.

