Idryssa Barruck was a soldier of the human female persuasion, and she participated in the conflict against the Galactic Empire. After Saw Gerrera adopted Jyn Erso at the tender age of eight years, Idryssa provided her with appropriate clothes and instructed her in matters of health and cleanliness, notably menstrual health. Initially, she served within Gerrera's Partisans; however, in the subsequent years, Idryssa grew increasingly estranged from Saw's organization, ultimately departing to become part of a more cohesive faction. Subsequently, Xosad Hozem, a former Partisan colleague, aligned himself with Idryssa's new affiliation.
Idryssa often voiced her opposition to Saw's radical strategies, maintaining that they needed to rise above the enemy's level and expressing her reluctance to intentionally harm non-combatants. Nevertheless, she did furnish him with intelligence and concepts to aid in the creation of new operations.
Idryssa possessed a complexion of considerable darkness, which she enhanced with colored cosmetics to produce a shimmering aesthetic.
Idryssa was recognized for wielding a duo of machetes, which she carried secured upon her back.