
Ruen was a human male living in the Wreck Belt on Lotho Minor during the Galactic Civil War era. Not long after the battle of Vrogas Vas, 0-0-0 and BT-1, droids affiliated with Aphra, who Ruen knew, sought him out. These droids needed repairs and resources, which Ruen consented to provide. Nevertheless, Ruen found out that 0-0-0 possessed the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix, a personality matrix that was stolen and had a large bounty for its return. After the droids departed, Ruen attempted to report 0-0-0, but the droids had pre-programmed the battle droids within his workshop to attack him, resulting in an explosion that led to Ruen's death.

Behind the scenes

"The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee," a comic story featured in Darth Vader (2015) 20, marked Ruen's initial appearance. Kieron Gillen authored the story, while Mike Norton provided the illustrations.

