Darth Vader (2015) 20

Darth Vader #20 represents the twentieth installment of the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars: Darth Vader. Notably, it marks the commencement of the fourth story arc within the series, known as End of Games. Penned by Kieron Gillen and brought to life through the artistic talents of Salvador Larroca, this issue made its debut on May 11, 2016. A printing error in the initial release erroneously identified it as the fifth part of Star Wars: Darth Vader Book III: The Shu-Torun War, which constitutes the third book in the comic series. Additionally, the issue features the mini-comic The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee.

Publisher's summary

A fresh story arc commences! "END OF GAMES" makes its entrance in this very issue!

  • The return of Inspector Thanoth brings with it some shocking revelations. [1]
  • It's possible Vader has successfully navigated his master's trials… [1]
  • …but could his own machinations lead to his downfall? [1]
  • FURTHERMORE: A bonus tale spotlighting Triple-Zero and Beetee! [1]

Plot summary

Master and apprentice

The Imperial Star Destroyer commanded by Darth Vader arrives in orbit above the planet Kuat. Triple Zero and Beetee inform Darth Vader about the arrangement of a meeting with Inspector Thanoth. Vader expresses his gratitude to Triple Zero but indicates that their priority lies in addressing Emperor Palpatine before dealing with Thanoth. Triple Zero observes Grand General Cassio Tagge's new flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, through the viewport, expressing his desire for the ship, which is currently under construction.

Darth Vader engages in a meeting with the Emperor within his private chambers aboard the Executor. The Emperor instructs his Imperial Royal Guards to depart as he converses with Vader. The Emperor provides a concise overview of the Sith's history, their conflict with the Jedi, and the Rule of Two. The Emperor asserts that he reinstated the Sith to their rightful position in the galaxy by purging the Jedi and establishing a New Order.

The Emperor also reflects on his former apprentices, including Maul, whom he considers a loss, and Darth Tyranus, whom he likens to a proton torpedo. The Emperor discusses his recruitment of Darth Vader as a superior candidate, expressing his profound disappointment with Vader's failure on Mustafar. Recognizing Vader's significance to the Empire's survival, the Emperor recounts how he enlisted several scientists, including Doctor Cylo, to save Vader's life.

When Vader suggests that the Emperor's trust in Dr Cylo was a mistake, the Emperor concurs but explains that eliminating him would have risked fracturing the Galactic Empire's intellectual elite during the Death Star's construction. The Emperor reveals that he manipulated Cylo into revealing his intentions and that Cylo fell for the bait by proposing to replace Vader with his "replacements". Cylo's pride led him to betray the Empire and fall into the Emperor's trap.

Vader comprehends the Emperor's strategy but questions whether the Emperor would deliver the same speech to Cylo's "replacements" had they succeeded. Vader argues that the dark side represents strength and that he embodies that strength. The Emperor agrees and tasks Lord Vader with the mission of hunting down and eliminating Dr Cylo.

Conversation with Inspector Thanoth

Darth Vader journeys to Anthan 13 aboard his TIE Advanced x1 starfighter, where he encounters Inspector Thanoth within a cave. Following Thanoth's greeting, Vader inquires about the whereabouts of the girl. Thanoth reminds Lord Vader that the girl, Dr Chelli Lona Aphra, has a name, while questioning the validity of her doctorate.

When Vader repeats his question, Thanoth asserts that he does not fear the Sith Lord. He informs Vader that his investigation has revealed that Dr Aphra received protection from Vader, citing her escape, numerous unresolved issues and coincidences, and visits to Tatooine, Naboo, and Vrogas Vas. Thanoth has also deduced that Lord Vader is interested in a boy named "Skywalker", whom he intends to locate, train in the dark side, and use to supplant the Emperor.

Inspector Thanoth informs Lord Vader that Aphra must be eliminated to prevent the Emperor from uncovering Vader's scheme. Thanoth offers his assistance in locating Aphra. When Vader inquires about his motivations, Thanoth expresses his belief that the Emperor is weak and criticizes his plan to invest decades in constructing the Death Star, only to have a few starfighters destroy it. He believes that the Emperor's control is weakening and that a stronger leader is required.

Thanoth states that while the Emperor is merely a man, he believes in the "eternal Empire." Thanoth believes that Lord Vader is a better fit for the Empire and that his plan must succeed. When Vader reiterates his request for Aphra's location, Thanoth explains that he arranged the meeting with Lord Vader because he is aware of the Sith's determination and persistence in finding the source of information.

Thanoth accepts that Vader will have to kill him, considering it preferable to spending his life in hiding while Vader wastes time and energy that should be directed towards saving the Empire from itself. Resigned to his fate, Thanoth remains steadfast as Lord Vader ignites his lightsaber. Addressing Vader as Anakin, Thanoth expresses his pleasure in working with him before revealing that Dr Aphra is located on the Cosmatanic Steppes.

Lord Vader strikes down Thanoth, killing him instantly. Lord Vader instructs Triple Zero and Beetee to dispose of Thanoth's remains. Before departing to confront Dr Cylo, Vader orders Triple Zero and Beetee to travel to the Cosmatanic Steppes in the Outer Rim Territories to bring Dr Aphra to the Executor. He warns that if they fail, she must be silenced.

Triple Zero acknowledges that dealing with Dr Aphra is challenging due to her resourcefulness. However, he assures Lord Vader that they have acquired several allies, including Krrsantan and a squad of BX-series droid commandos. When Beetee beeps, Triple Zero speculates that Lord Vader will not bring Dr Cylo back, which is unfortunate because he would have enjoyed tortureing him again.

The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee

Triple Zero and Beetee visit Ruen, the proprietor of a workshop in the Wreck Belt of Lotho Minor. Triple Zero explains that they require repairs and upgrades, including munitions and syringes. A suspicious Ruen removes Triple Zero's arms under the guise of performing repairs.

With Triple Zero disarmed, Ruen interrogates the droid about his knowledge of the stolen Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix and confirms that his customer is the wanted droid. However, Triple Zero reveals a hidden advantage and directs Beetee to destroy the workshop and the surrounding battle droids. Triple Zero persuades Ruen to reattach his arms in exchange for sparing his life.

Although Triple Zero and Beetee are programmed not to kill Ruen, they extract a promise from Ruen not to inform the authorities in return for payment. Before departing, Triple Zero instructs Beetee to hack the control loops and ethical constraints on Ruen's remaining battle droids as insurance against Ruen breaking his promise and contacting the Kallidahin authorities. However, the combat droids turn on him and kill him, also destroying the workshop.

As they walk away, Triple Zero remarks that if people treated their droids with respect, none of this violence and destruction would be necessary. However, he comments that the explosions are "very pretty."


At the conclusion of issue 19, Palpatine requests that Vader travel to Coruscant to meet with him. The opening text of this issue also alludes to Vader's journey to Coruscant. However, within the actual story, their meeting occurs on the Executor instead.


