Darth Vader (2015) 19

title: Darth Vader 19

Darth Vader #19 represents the nineteenth installment of the Marvel comic book series entitled Star Wars: Darth Vader. This publication serves as the concluding chapter, specifically the fourth, within the overarching narrative's third story arc. Penned by Kieron Gillen, featuring artistry by Salvador Larroca, it was made available to the public on April 13, 2016.

Official Synopsis

  • The epic conclusion of THE SHU-TORUN WAR! [1]
  • Can Vader truly bring the Ore Barons under control? [1]
  • Or will Cylo and his formidable warriors demonstrate to the Dark Lord how things are really done? [1]

Detailed Storyline

Betrayal and Droid Supremacy

Deep within Shu-Torun, Triple Zero delivers an impassioned pre-battle address to the BX-series droid commandos, ostensibly encouraging them to fight, but secretly embedding a coded command for insurrection against their organic superiors. Overjoyed, the commando droids express their eagerness to eliminate the "meaty ones," causing unease among Baron Rubix's soldiers.

In a nearby location, Darth Vader engages in a duel with Morit and Aiolin Astarte atop a stone bridge. Aiolin launches a rocket from her cybernetic arm, resulting in the bridge's destruction. Aiolin concedes their inability to defeat Darth Vader. However, Morit declares his intention to fight on, pushing his sister into the molten lake below. Morit informs Lord Vader that the field weakens before departing.

Utilizing the Force, Darth Vader rescues a severely burned Aiolin from the molten lake. Enveloping the injured woman in his cloak, he assures her that her suffering will soon end. Aiolin reveals Dr Cylo's collaboration with the ore-dukes and provides him with a memory circuit as proof. Lord Vader ends the grievously burned woman's life by impaling her with his lightsaber.

Upon returning to the combat drill, Darth Vader observes that the droid commandos have successfully secured the enemy's lines. Vader commands the droids to establish communication with Queen Trios' forces and instruct them to initiate an attack. One of the soldiers pleads with Lord Vader not to sacrifice them to the "blood-sucking" droids, while Triple Zero revels in the success of his psychological manipulation. When Beetee communicates in Binary, Triple Zero clarifies that they are not actually "blood suckers." Upon Lord Vader's instruction to signal the main battle group to proceed with their attack, the protocol droid informs him that the assault is already underway, with Queen Trios advancing without Imperial support.

Overthrowing Baron Rubix

Queen Trios spearheads an assault with her loyalist forces on Baron Rubix's delving citadel. Despite being struck by a cannon blast, her armor protects her. Subsequently, a combat drill carrying Imperial reinforcements, including an AT-AT walker, breaches the earth. Trios and her troops celebrate the arrival of reinforcements.

Concurrently, Baron Rubix instructs his daughter Bixene to contact Dr Cylo. However, Bixene informs her father that Dr Cylo has already departed from Shu-Torun. With the loss of his elite troops, Rubix expresses concern that the delving citadel is doomed. Bixene informs him that the elite guard is returning. Rubix leads his daughter and issues orders to his troops. However, they are confronted by Darth Vader, who demands the Baron's surrender.

Baron Rubix complies and orders the citadel gates to be opened to Queen Trios' forces. Rubix displays insolence towards the Queen, asserting that he fears no punishment she may inflict. However, Trios retorts that his pride has resulted in thousands of deaths. Refusing to entertain his elaborate speeches, she orders her troops to execute Baron Rubix. Trios appoints a distraught Bixene as Baroness and instructs her to persuade the remaining rebels to seek peace. When Bixene points out that she has an older brother who is her father's heir, Trios warns her that questioning the Queen's decisions is considered treason. Trios tells Lord Vader that those inexperienced in power are the easiest to control.


Following the conclusion of the War on Shu-Torun, Darth Vader prepares to depart aboard a Lambda-class shuttle. Queen Trios informs Lord Vader that the barons' resistance did not outlast Baron Rubix. Lord Vader tasks her with eliminating any remaining stragglers. While the rebellious barons will not survive, Queen Trios is confident their lines will. As a mining culture, everything in Shu-Torun must be properly supported. Lord Vader replies as she wishes.

Lord Vader announces that the stormtrooper captain will remain behind to provide military guidance and oversight. The Queen inquires whether he has chosen his successor wisely, but Vader states that he had no other choice as he boards the shuttle. When Triple Zero remarks that this could be interpreted in multiple ways, Queen Trios says she understands. The Queen confides in Triple Zero that she cannot destroy the Sith Lord. Triple Zero predicts that Queen Trios will achieve great success, but the Queen says that she is going nowhere.

Queen Trios invites the stormtrooper captain to discuss astronomical quotas and inquires whether he can dance. The captain responds that he is an Imperial Academy graduate. Before he can continue, the Queen reminds him that the Shu-Torun are an intensely courtly culture where survival is based on dancing.

Dr Aphra and Inspector Thanoth

Aboard an orbiting Imperial Star Destroyer, Lord Vader informs Emperor Palpatine of Dr Cylo's treachery. The Emperor invites the Sith Lord to visit Coruscant, where he will provide a comprehensive explanation. Lord Vader instructs Triple Zero and Beetee to prepare for departure, but Triple Zero informs him that Mistress Aphra has been located.

Lord Vader intends to reward the bounty hunter, but Triple Zero clarifies that he does not require payment. Triple Zero expresses a desire to discuss a drill modification, but Lord Vader insists on resolving the matter at hand. On Triple Zero's advice, Beetee plays a holorecording of Inspector Thanoth informing Lord Vader that he has found the girl. He tells Lord Vader that it is time that they had a little chat.

Additional Material

Cover Images

