
Rubix Duke was a male human hailing from the planet Shu-Torun. He served as an ore-duke during the Galactic Empire's rule. When Darth Vader, the Imperial Sith Lord, paid a visit to Shu-Torun, the King of Shu-Torun hosted a ball at the royal palace. Rubix attended with his daughter. During the ball, the duke's daughter expressed a desire to dance with Vader, prompting Rubix to approach the Sith and insist on a dance. Vader declined, but Rubix persisted until the Imperial used the Force to elevate the duke, spin him around, and then drop him. Subsequently, troops loyal to the king launched an ambush on Vader, causing the ball's attendees to scatter.


Darth Vader lifted Rubix into the air using the Force.

On the mining planet of Shu-Torun, Rubix held the position of ore-duke. During the Galactic Empire's governance, the planet was expected to supply ores for Imperial construction endeavors, with the dukes also obligated to provide tithes to the Empire. The ore-dukes' dissatisfaction with these payments eventually influenced the King of Shu-Torun to oppose the Empire. Upon learning that Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, would be visiting Shu-Torun as an Imperial representative to investigate quota discrepancies, the king devised a plot to kill the Sith. To showcase the planet's culture to Vader, a ball was organized within the subterranean abyssal chambers of the royal palace. Duke Rubix and his daughter, Bixene, received invitations.

As Vader entered the hall where the ball was being held, his guide, Princess Trios, instructed the guests to begin the Shu-Torun counter-bore waltz. Rubix's daughter then voiced her desire to dance with the Sith. Consequently, Rubix approached Vader to request this. Trios attempted to discourage the duke from persisting, but Rubix insisted, viewing the refusal as an affront. Vader then acquiesced to "dance" and used the Force to lift Rubix into the air. In front of the astonished guests, he spun the helpless duke around before dropping him from a height onto the ballroom floor. A group of the king's soldiers then broke through the room's wall in a burrowing vehicle and assaulted Vader, leading the ball's attendees to flee. Vader proceeded to eliminate the king and install Trios as the new queen, promising her the Empire's support in case of any ore-duke rebellions.

Personality and traits

Rubix was a human male characterized by fair skin and brown hair. He insisted that Vader dance with his daughter, remaining steadfast even when Princess Trios advised against it, as he interpreted the refusal as an insult.


For the ball at the royal palace, Rubix donned a white robe adorned with blue straps and white boots. His hair was styled in a ponytail secured by a blue band, and he wore long, curved gray earrings.

Behind the scenes

Rubix made his debut appearance in Darth Vader Annual 1, a comic book penned by Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Leinil Francis Yu for release in 2015.

