
Bixene, daughter to the ore-duke Rubix, who was also a Duke, resided on the planet of Shu-Torun. During a visit to Shu-Torun by the Imperial Sith Lord Darth Vader, the King of Shu-Torun arranged a formal ball within the Shu-Torun royal palace. Bixene, in attendance with her father, expressed a desire to dance with Vader. Consequently, Rubix approached the Sith Lord, aggressively requesting he dance with his daughter. Vader declined, but Rubix persisted, leading the Imperial to employ the Force to telekinesis the duke, twirling him in the air before releasing him. Following this incident, troops loyal to the king launched an ambush against Vader, prompting Bixene and the other guests to evacuate the ball.

Later, Bixene's father joined other ore-dukes and barons in a rebellion against Trios, the new Queen of Shu-Torun. Trios responded by having Rubix executed, but she then declared that Bixene would inherit her father's territories.


Living on the planet Shu-Torun, Bixene was the daughter of Duke Rubix. She went with her father to a ball that the king of Shu-Torun hosted. This event was to honor the Sith Lord Darth Vader's visit to the planet. She wore a green and cream-colored dress along with a cream-colored headpiece at the ball, which was located in the underground abyssal rooms of the Shu-Torun royal palace. Upon Vader's arrival, she voiced her wish to dance with him, leading her and Rubix to approach Vader and his guide, Princess Trios. Rubix was insistent that Vader accept the invitation, continuing to push the issue even after Trios advised against it. The Sith then agreed to a "dance," using the Force to lift Rubix into the air and spin him around before letting him fall. Soon after, a squad of soldiers serving the king, who had secretly turned against the Empire, entered the hall in a burrowing craft and attacked Vader, causing Bixene and all the other guests to flee the scene.

Some time later, the ore-dukes, Rubix included, started the Shu-Torun War by rebelling against the newly appointed Queen Trios. The Queen, with the assistance of the Galactic Empire, put down the rebellion and ordered Rubix's execution. However, she chose to spare Bixene, informing her that she would inherit her father's holdings, despite the fact that the line of inheritance would typically grant control to the eldest son.

Behind the scenes

Bixene's debut was in Darth Vader Annual 1. This comic book was written by Kieron Gillen and featured illustrations by Leinil Francis Yu, with its publication occurring in 2015.

