Darth Vader (2015) 21

Darth Vader #21 marks the twenty-first installment of the comic book series Star Wars: Darth Vader, published by Marvel. This issue, penned by Kieron Gillen and illustrated by Salvador Larroca, was made available on June 8, 2016.

Synopsis from the Publisher

  • Vader confronts Cylo and his cybernetic-enhanced agents.
  • The Executor's construction nears completion, setting the stage for its deployment.
  • Simultaneously, the murderbots turn against their " master ." [1]

Detailed Plot

Within the Crushank Nebulae

Darth Vader, within the engine room of the Super Star Destroyer Executor, challenges Professor Thlu-Ry, an Imperial scientist involved in the Death Star's final alignment testing. The Sith Lord questions him about his connections to Doctor Aphra. Thlu-Ry denies any betrayal. Vader presses for the location of Doctor Cylo's "abominations" fleet. In an effort to save himself, the Professor divulges that Cylo's fleet is concealed within the Crushank Nebulae in the Outer Rim Territories.

Leveraging Thlu-Ry's intel, Lord Vader pilots his Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator into the Crushank Nebulae. The Imperial commander verifies the presence of Cylo's fleet within the nebulae. Lord Vader then instructs his crew to contact the Executor to express gratitude to Professor Thlu-Ry, followed by his execution for consorting with a traitor. Vader commands the commander to enter the nebulae, vowing an end to their evasion.

Locating Dr. Aphra

In the Cosmatanic Steppes of the Outer Rim Territories, Dr. Aphra seeks solace in a bar with several drinks after recovering a helmet. The Vurk bartender inquires about her reasons for running, suggesting the situation might not be as dire as she perceives.

Concurrently, an aged green Twi'lek man cautions Triple Zero and Beetee about the local disdain for droids. Triple Zero asks if he has spotted Dr. Aphra, while Beetee projects a hologram of her. When the Twi'lek demands payment, Triple Zero instructs Beetee to threaten him with a blaster appendage, offering a choice between his life and the information. The terrified Twi'lek reveals that Dr. Aphra entered the bar. Beetee then eliminates the Twi'lek with Triple Zero's consent.

Triple Zero subsequently unleashes his BX-series droid commandos upon the town. The droids commence firing upon the residents and bar patrons. When Dr. Aphra questions the droids' actions, Triple Zero explains that he is fulfilling Lord Vader's directive to eliminate witnesses to prevent any information leaks. Dr. Aphra retorts that although the Rebel Alliance captured her, she divulged nothing.

Triple Zero discloses that he has received orders to terminate her to prevent any potential information breach. Dr. Aphra attempts to regain control over the droids, but Beetee opens fire on her. Triple Zero clarifies that he is adhering to the primary rule of protocol droids: protocol. Given the priority order from their other master, Lord Vader, they must address it before proceeding with anything else. Triple Zero expresses regret for the necessity of hunting down Dr. Aphra.

Dr. Aphra and the Vurk bartender exchange gunfire with the droids. The Vurk bartender falls in a barrage of fire. Dr. Aphra seizes an opportunity during a lull in the shooting to inquire about the specific order from Triple Zero. Triple Zero explains that he was instructed to deliver her to the Executor to await Lord Vader, or, failing that, to silence her. Dr. Aphra surrenders to preserve her life.

As Dr. Aphra is escorted by the command droids aboard Krrsantan's Auzituck anti-slaver gunship, Triple Zero and Beetee lament that Dr. Aphra spoils their enjoyment. She attempts to bribe Wookiee Black Krrsantan into assisting her, but he ignores her, and they depart, leaving destruction in their wake.

The Hunt for Cylo

Onboard Cylo's flagship, Tulon Voidgazer informs Dr. Cylo of the approaching Devastator, Darth Vader's Star Destroyer. Dr. Cylo remains confident, citing their near-complete preparations. He instructs Voidgazer to activate the contingencies and Morit Astarte to execute Escape Plan JGT-HB-4.

Cylo's whale-ships engage in combat with Vader's TIE Advanced x1 starfighter and several TIE fighters. One of the whale-ships detaches from the group and launches smaller ships that disable the Devastator with ion pulses. A TIE pilot believes Dr. Cylo will escape, but Vader disagrees.

He crashes his TIE fighter into Dr. Cylo's flagship. Despite escaping into hyperspace, Dr. Cylo and his subordinates discover that Lord Vader has made an unauthorized landing. Dr. Cylo intends to deploy troops, but Tulon Voidgazer persuades him to allow her to study the Sith Lord in close combat.

Meanwhile, Vader emerges from his TIE Advanced fighter, which has breached the whale-ship's organic hull, exposing a portion of the ship to the vacuum of space. In the labs, Vader is greeted by Voidgazer, who declares that his journey ends there. Vader dismisses the scientist, doubting her ability to contend with a Sith Lord. Recalling Vader's confrontation with the Trandoshan she had implanted with a cyberanimate, she unleashes her latest creation upon Vader: a rancor enhanced with a cyberanimate system.


