The Eedit Temple, also referenced as the Temple of Eedit, was a Jedi temple located on the jungle planet of Devaron. Functioning as a site for personal renewal and empowerment, the temple capitalized on the vergence in the Force upon which it was erected. During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic utilized it as a strategic base, making the temple a crucial station in their campaign against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Situated deep inside a jungle close to the city of Tikaroo on Devaron, the Eedit Temple presented itself as a refined structure that arose from the dense vines and undergrowth. Leading directly to the temple was the grand avenue, known as the Eedit Road, which bisected the jungle and ascended the impressive staircase at the main entrance. While smaller than the Jedi Order's larger establishments, its architectural design echoed the towers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It consisted of two distinct towers constructed from gray stone, connected at their foundations. The adjacent circular courtyard served as a space for meditation, combat practice, and learning, featuring a fountain in its center. Surrounding the towers were auxiliary buildings, along with statues of ancient Jedi and other symbolic representations significant to the Order.
The towers' interiors were characterized by their simplicity and cleanliness. Access to the base of the larger tower was gained through the main doors located at the top of a monumental stairway. Inside, a spacious entry hall branched off into the core of the temple. Classrooms, a dining area, living quarters, and offices for caretakers were positioned on the upper floors. An escape route extended from the main hall, passing beneath the courtyard, and exiting into the surrounding jungle.
The Jedi Order established the Temple on the jungle world of Devaron due to the planet's high concentration of Force-sensitives and a strong vergence in the Force. The Temple was built at the vergence site to serve as an academy for Devaronians who showed potential to join the Jedi. The vergence, most potent in the Temple's courtyard, facilitated the learning of new Force techniques and the healing of the spirit. The light side of the Force was particularly strong here, offering those touched by darkness the chance to experience its radiance. As a young girl, Gella Nattai was brought to the Temple of Eedit by her parents after they recognized her Force abilities.

By the time the Clone Wars erupted, the temple had a minimal staff, consisting of only a Jedi Master as caretaker and their apprentice as an assistant. The Grand Army of the Republic equipped the Temple as a surveillance station to aid in the war effort. This made the Temple a military target for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Upon the orders of Count Dooku, Savage Opress attacked the Temple of Eedit, advancing up the Eedit Road and slaying the caretakers, Master Halsey and Padawan Knox.
Following the Clone Wars, a few Republic loyalists tried to find refuge within, causing the Galactic Empire to target it. The Empire bombed it from orbit, leaving the temple in a state of ruin. Furthermore, all Devaronians located within 1,000 kilometers were labeled as collaborators and executed. After severely damaging the temple, the Imperial Army moved through the ruins on foot, destroying any valuable items they could locate and setting traps throughout the interior. Blaster marks scarred most of the walls inside the temple, and the statues were vandalized or knocked over. The orbital bombardment had destroyed the top of the main tower, causing rubble and debris to fall into the courtyard, completely obstructing the main entrance. A large crater was created in the entry hall by a well-placed bomb, destroying everything in the room's center. The tunnel was mostly collapsed, and the surrounding buildings were completely destroyed. Pikhrons began inhabiting the area, seeking shelter in the courtyard from the hunters pursuing them.
In 14 BBY, during a hyperspace journey, Cere Junda thought of the Temple of Eedit as one of her cherished locations that she could no longer visit due to the Galactic Empire's control. She recalled the intense light surrounding the temple and how she could feel it around her.

In 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker experienced visions of the temple, which led him to seek out its remains. He trained in the Force within the temple's courtyard, practicing with three remotes and using the Force to deflect their blasts, eventually engaging Imperial forces and the scavenger Sarco Plank. Following his victory over the Emperor and Darth Vader at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Luke returned to Devaron to revisit the temple.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Republic outpost briefly shown in "Cargo of Doom" and the Temple of Eedit from "Monster" were verified as the same site. Both locations originated from the same production artwork, titled "Devaron Jedi outpost." However, in official canon, the Databank's entry on Devaron indicated that the two locations were distinct.