Anandra Milon, a human originally from Alderaan, had moved to the planet of Coruscant before her homeworld was destroyed in 0 ABY. After she witnessed stormtroopers arresting other Alderaanian residents of Coruscant, fearing they would join the rebel cause, she and her brother, Santigo Milon, escaped from their family's apartment on Level 3204. They spent several days evading the Galactic Empire, and she was then offered a job by a Pau'an criminal on Level 1997. However, she turned it down because it would mean being separated from her brother.
After a stormtrooper spotted her on Level 1997, she ran to Level 1996 to give Santigo time to get away. When the trooper caught up, they fought briefly until a Herglic criminal intervened and killed the stormtrooper. Following the Herglic's suggestion to seek assistance on Level 1782, Anandra found Santigo again, and the siblings headed to 1782, where they discovered a camp of people fleeing the Empire. The fugitives welcomed Anandra and Santigo, providing them with food.
During the Galactic Empire's rule, Anandra Milon, a human who had immigrated from [Alderaan](/article/alderaan], resided with her mother, father, and younger brother Santigo Milon on Level 3204 of the city-planet Coruscant. Anandra, born around 16 BBY, was occasionally watched by her next door neighbor when she was a child. She lived through the Old Market Sector riots and the subsequent relocation of Mon Calamari species members, but she did not remember them due to her young age at the time. Once, she and her school friends secretly visited Level 1997, a seedy area of Coruscant, where they took a holocam picture before leaving.
When Anandra was sixteen, in 0 BBY, the year the Empire destroyed her homeworld, she and Santigo saw residents of Level 3204, many also from Alderaan, holding vigils. These vigils escalated into riots as more information surfaced about the Empire's involvement in Alderaan's destruction. The Empire responded forcefully, targeting the remaining Alderaanians. Stormtroopers killed Reffe, Anandra Milon's uncle's neighbor, in the street as he spoke out against Imperial corruption. After the troopers left, Anandra's mother tried to reassure her children over breakfast that they were safe and that their father would be home from his trade mission soon.

The day after Reffe's death, stormtroopers began arresting people on Level 3204, where HoloNet services were disrupted, slowing the spread of news. Anandra and her family stayed in their apartment, where Anandra prevented Santigo from watching the arrests from the windows as their mother cried. The next day, troopers went door to door, explaining that Alderaanians were being questioned because rebels were recruiting in the area. Anandra heard rumors that second-generation immigrants were being relocated rather than arrested. The Milons stayed inside for the rest of the day, and their mother locked herself in her bedroom. Before the stormtroopers arrived, Santigo and Anandra hid in the fluid bucket of a cleaning droid that Anandra suspected had been reprogrammed by their neighbor to visit on an unusual schedule.
The droid took them away as stormtroopers arrived and encountered their mother. After escaping, the siblings went to Level 3108 to meet with an old family friend and their mother, but the friend refused to help, and their mother never showed up. The friend directed them to Level 2142 to find a smuggler who could take them off-world. However, Santigo refused to leave without their mother until an encounter with the Coruscant underworld police convinced Anandra to persuade him otherwise.

The siblings reached Level 2142 and spent four hours sleeping in an alley. The next day, two days after their intended transport had departed, Anandra approached Hangra's Meat Shack, where an old man operating the grill gave her packets of meat and cheese after she inquired about deliveries to Centax-3, one of Coruscant's moons. She returned to the alley, where Santigo was waiting, and they shared the food. They then moved to Level 1997, where the man from Hangra's Meat Shack said they might find someone to help them escape the Imperials.
On Level 1997, Anandra took Santigo to a cantina where they met a Pau'an criminal and his Herglic partner, a species Anandra had never seen before. The Pau'an offered Anandra a job as a courier, delivering spice and death sticks to clients, but refused to take Santigo due to his age. Unable to change his mind, Anandra declined the offer, and the siblings fled when a stormtrooper and a member of the Coruscant underworld police entered the cantina.
Anandra and Santigo reached Level 1996, where she told her brother to run. As he fled, she waited on a walkway above Level 1995 for her pursuers. The stormtrooper arrived and tried to arrest her. Feigning surrender, Anandra surprised the trooper and threw away his blaster, suffering several blows in the process. She then removed the trooper's helmet before the Herglic from the cantina, who had followed the trooper, lifted him and threw him off the catwalk. Before leaving, the criminal suggested Anandra might find shelter on Level 1782. After reuniting with Santigo, Anandra followed the Herglic's advice and traveled to 1782, where they searched the junkyard-filled level for nearly an hour. They then encountered a Mon Calamari, whom Anandra initially tried to rob with the stormtrooper's blaster. The Mon Calamari then led them to a camp of other fugitives from the Empire. The occupants welcomed the children, comforted Anandra when she began to cry, fed them, and gave them a place to rest.
Anandra Milon, an Alderaanian, had fair skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. While fleeing the Empire, she was very protective of Santigo, refusing the Pau'an's job to avoid separation and delaying the stormtrooper on Level 1997 so he could escape. Despite this protectiveness, she snapped at Santigo when he wished for starblossom instead of the scraps from the meat shack, later regretting her outburst. She also regretted turning down the Pau'an's job, believing Santigo could have managed while she worked, and it was their last offer of refuge.
The destruction of Alderaan and her fugitive status put a significant emotional and physical strain on Anandra, even though she had not considered the planet her home before the vigils. After days on the run, she was exhausted and angry, wanting to confront the man at Hangra's Meat Shack for his condescension. When the Imperial confronted her on Level 1997, she was surprised to feel giddy and outsmarted him. The fight affected her deeply, leading her to attempt to rob the Mon Calamari on Level 1782 with the trooper's blaster, recalling the pain the stormtrooper had inflicted. However, Santigo and the Mon Calamari convinced her to lower the weapon and follow him. At the fugitive sanctuary, the cumulative impact of her ordeal overwhelmed her, and she broke down in tears, relieved to have found friends and safety.
"One Thousand Levels Down," a short story by Alexander Freed featuring Anandra Milon, was published in Star Wars Insider 151 on July 22, 2014. Joe Corroney and Brian Miller provided the illustrations for the story.