
Starblossom, a fruit considered edible by humans, was native to the planet of Alderaan. After the Galactic Empire brought about the destruction of Alderaan in 0 BBY, Santigo Milon, a surviving Alderaanian residing on Coruscant, expressed a longing for the taste of starblossom. Anandra Milon, his sister, rebuked him for his wistful thoughts, given that starblossom were no longer accessible to them or, to her knowledge, anyone else in the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

The short story "One Thousand Levels Down" by Alexander Freed, released in Star Wars Insider 151 on July 22, 2014, introduced the starblossom fruit into the new Star Wars canon. However, it originally came from the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing in Barbara Hambly's 1995 novel, Children of the Jedi.

