Level 1782

Level 1782, situated on the planet of Coruscant, was essentially a massive scrapheap. During the Galactic Empire's rule, individuals fleeing the Empire established a settlement amidst this refuse. It was on Level 1782 that the Alderaanian siblings, Anandra Milon and Santigo Milon, found each other again.


Level 1782 existed on the city-planet known as Coruscant. This level was characterized by an expansive junkyard, enclosed by walls of discarded metal. It overflowed with wrecked airspeeders, hovertrains, and billboards, either deposited there or having fallen from the levels above. Rats were frequently observed navigating the debris towers of Level 1782; however, during the Galactic Empire's dominion, a collection of sentient beings also took refuge in this junkyard. Fugitives, hailing from numerous species persecuted by the Empire, including Mon Calamari, Herglic, and near-humans, established a camp inside the remains of an old starship nestled among the junk. This camp comprised various improvised shelters and market stalls, accessible by ascending a mound of discarded hovertrain components.


Not long after the destruction of [Alderaan](/article/alderaan], the fugitives Anandra Milon and her younger brother Santigo Milon were sent to Level 1782 by a Herglic lawbreaker. The pair sought sanctuary, as they were originally from Alderaan and therefore now wanted by the Empire. After searching for almost an hour, the pair encountered a Mon Calamari, who Anandra initially attempted to steal from. Santigo then spoke to the creature, who, recognizing them as fellow fugitives, guided them to the camp for safety. The camp residents welcomed the pair, and they joined them in concealing themselves within the relative security of the scrap yard.

Behind the scenes

One Thousand Levels Down, a short story penned by Alexander Freed, which was featured in Star Wars Insider 151 during 2014, marked the first appearance of Level 1782.

