Anandra Milon's father

A human male was born on the planet Alderaan. He later relocated to Coruscant, where he and another human Alderaanian had two children. This family resided in an apartment situated on Level 3204 of Coruscant, an area populated by numerous Alderaanian immigrants, during the year 0 BBY. While he was away from Coruscant on a trading expedition, his homeworld suffered destruction at the hands of the Galactic Empire. Following Alderaan's demise, riots erupted on Level 3204; during this time, his partner reassured their children that their father was safe and would return shortly, a claim neither child accepted. Anandra Milon, his older child, was reminded of her father when her younger brother Santigo Milon displayed a resolute bitterness while escaping Imperial oppression.

Behind the scenes

The father of Anandra Milon initially appeared, though unnamed, within "One Thousand Levels Down," a concise narrative penned by Alexander Freed and featured in Star Wars Insider 151.

