Alderaan vigil rioting

The Alderaan vigil rioting was a consequence of the Death Star's annihilation of the planet Alderaan, resulting in its destruction. News, initially just whispers, started to spread among the Alderaanian inhabitants, largely residing on Level 3204. Vigils were organized, but these soon escalated into intense anger and unrest when visual evidence surfaced, corroborating the destruction of Alderaan. These vigils morphed into riots that persisted for several days, only ceasing when Imperial stormtroopers alongside the security forces arrived to re-establish control.

As the military units entered the streets, the stormtroopers began firing their blasters into the crowds. Among those killed was Reffe, who perished while vehemently denouncing the Empire. The populace, terrified, scattered. The next day, the Coruscant police force apprehended anyone found outside. Subsequently, stormtroopers initiated house-to-house searches, claiming that Rebel spies had enlisted local individuals, and that Alderaanians were being detained for interrogation.

Behind the scenes

The riots were first referenced in "One Thousand Levels Down," a brief narrative penned by Alexander Freed and featured in Star Wars Insider 151 on July 22, 2014.

