Lohgarra, a Wookiee, held the position of captain aboard the cargo transport known as the Mighty Oak Apocalypse, or Moa for short. While Lohgarra's cargo was always legal, her operations existed in areas with minimal Imperial presence. After the Battle of Yavin concluded, seven months later, she employed Thane Kyrell in the roles of copilot and navigator. After Thane joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic at a later time, Logharra made the decision to support the Rebellion. Prior to the Battle of Endor, the Mighty Oak Apocalypse became part of the Alliance Fleet, docking with the Liberty. Upon the destruction of the second Death Star, Lohgarra was seen celebrating the victory over Imperial forces on Endor's forest moon. Subsequent to the Battle of Endor, she utilized credits provided by the newly established New Republic to species affected by war crimes in order to improve her ship.

Lohgarra was known to have spent two centuries as a ship captain who owned a freighter called the Mighty Oak Apocalypse, shortened to Moa. By the time that the Galactic Empire was in reign, she was among the few Wookiees who had managed to avoid being enslaved on her homeworld of Kashyyyk by the Empire. She remembered Kashyyyk as a paradise that the Empire transformed into a "hell." Her crew consisted of a purple and black JJH2 model astromech droid named JJH2, Brill, a Tarsunt engineer, and Methwat Tann, an Ithorian maintenance officer. Lohgarra and her crew spent much of their careers transporting legal goods throughout the Outer Rim Territories and the Expansion Region.
Seven months following the Battle of Yavin, [Thane Kyrell](/article/thane_kyrell], a former TIE fighter pilot, secured a position as a copilot and navigator. Thane had abandoned the Empire after witnessing the destruction of Alderaan and the mistreatment of Bodach'i slaves on Kerev Doi by the Empire. Although Kyrell never confessed to Lohgarra that he had deserted the Empire, she was aware of his past but did not hold it against him. Thane was employed by Lohgarra for several months. After Thane discovered that the ship's power cell could not be recharged, she permitted him to purchase a replacement on Zeitooine, warning him that the planet was not known for being inexpensive. While on Zeitooine, Thane observed the Empire arrest a local family and forgot to buy the power cell.

Eighteen months after the events on Yavin, Lohgarra and her crew delivered medical supplies to Oulanne due to a massive earthquake. As they entered the planet's atmosphere, Thane said they were approaching a megahurricane that covered about 25% of the land. Despite the difficult conditions and the Moa being full of cargo, Thane was able to convince Lohgarra to let him land the ship. Against the odds, Thane landed the Moa. Lohgarra congratulated Thane for his efforts and hugged him tightly. As a sign of praise and affection, she also started grooming him.
While on Oulanne, Thane encountered Wedge Antilles, a Rebel Alliance pilot, who persuaded him to join the Rebel Alliance. Following some discussion, Thane succeeded in convincing Lohgarra to allow him to depart and join the rebel group. While Lohgarra was initially reluctant to lose her copilot and navigator, she relented after remembering that her own people had been enslaved by the Empire and that Kashyyyk, so beautiful in her youth, had been transformed into a literal hell. When Thane told her about his lover Ciena Ree who was still in the Imperial Navy, Lohgarra remarked that the Force had a way of bringing people together when the time was right. Thane then took it that Lohgarra was happy for him to join the Rebellion.
Shortly before the dogfight in the Hudalla system, Lohgarra and her crew decided to join the Rebel Alliance. She landed the Moa on the planet 5251977. While Lohgarra hugged Thane, Brill informed the rebel pilot that they had refitted the Moa with new shields, dampeners, and guns. Before the Battle of Endor, Lohgarra and her crew met with Thane at the hangar of the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser Home One. She also lent her astromech droid to the rebel pilot Yendor, who was a member of Thane's Corona Squadron. Lohgarra and her crew participated in the Battle of Endor, which resulted in the deaths of Emperor Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, and afterwards joined the mass celebration in Bright Tree Village, where she was observed to be "outdrinking an entire squadron".
After the New Republic was established, Lohgarra received reparations from the new government as part of a program to compensate species enslaved by the Empire. Lohgarra used these funds to buy new engines for the Mighty Oak Apocalypse.

Lohgarra was an elderly Wookiee with white fur that used to be brown. Her eyes were once dark blue but had gone slightly milky white by the time of the Battle of Endor. As a Wookiee, Lohgarra only spoke in Shyriiwook. Despite her old age, Lohgarra's vision and mind remained sharp. Unlike most freighter pilots and owners, her shipping jobs were never motivated by a quest for riches but by her character; a lucrative run of luxury goods could be followed by a zero-sum haul of emergency generators to a troubled outpost or medical supplies to a devastated region. Lohgarra considered her ship and crew as her home and family, and she always consulted them before making important decisions. She hired crew that she could trust and was known to be maternal towards crew members that she took under her wing including Thane Kyrell, indeed treating him with more affection than his own mother.
Lohgarra liked Thane and was able to look past the fact that he used to be an Imperial pilot. Lohgarra gained a lot of respect for Thane after he successfully landed the Moa on Oulanne despite a megahurricane. As part of Wookiee custom, she hugged him and began grooming him, also regularly complaining that he looked too thin at least by her standards. While Lohgarra was reluctant to lose her copilot and navigator, she allowed Thane to join the Rebel Alliance due to her dislike of the Empire for enslaving her people. Lohgarra and her crew later joined the Rebel Alliance and took part in the Battle of Endor.
Like others who had lived long lives in the galaxy, Lohgarra believed in the Force and respected its power. When Thane was agonizing to her about his fear of losing Ciena, she consoled him by stating her belief that the Force would allow their paths to cross when the time was right.
Lohgarra was a character in Lost Stars, a junior novel written by Claudia Gray in 2015, which was released as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In the video game Star Wars Battlefront II, the name Lohgarra is used by the computer-controlled Wookiee warriors in single-player game modes.