In the year 0 ABY, amidst the Galactic Civil War that pitted the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Alliance forces executed a bombing raid on the shipyards located on the Core world of Kuat. This bombing of the shipyard, occurring after the Rebel Alliance's destruction of the Empire's Death Star superweapon, represented one of many assaults launched to capitalize on the weakened state of the Empire.
Admiral Gial Ackbar later cited the Kuat shipyards bombing as an illustration of the Rebel Alliance's activities following the Death Star's demise. He brought it up during a gathering of Alliance leaders later in that year, after Princess Leia Organa voiced her opinion that the Rebel Alliance's efforts against the Empire were insufficient. Following his reference to these attacks, Ackbar admitted his uncertainty regarding further possible actions for the Alliance.
The Star Wars comic series from 2015 mentioned the Kuat shipyards bombing in its fourth issue. Jason Aaron wrote the issue, which Marvel Comics released on April 22, 2015.