
Svaaha existed as a planet in space. The Imperial Coalition for Progress artist Zeehay Versio was sent to this planet on a job in 0 ABY. While spending time on Svaaha, Zeehay succumbed to an ailment she had been struggling with. Following her death, Zeehay was interred on Svaaha, and a recording of the ceremony was provided to her previous husband, the Imperial Admiral Garrick Versio.

After the artist's daughter, Captain Iden Versio, came back from a undercover mission, Garrick let her know about Zeehay's passing and told his daughter that he possessed a recording of the burial, which she had the option to view. Furthermore, Garrick said that he would make arrangements for Iden to travel to her mother's grave if she desired to do so.

Behind the scenes

The planet Svaaha was referenced within the 2017 novel titled Battlefront II: Inferno Squad, which was authored by Christie Golden.

