Admiral Versio's fleet

During the final year of the Galactic Civil War, Admiral Garrick Versio of the Imperial Security Bureau commanded the Imperial Navy fleet. This fleet, under Admiral Versio, consisted of a minimum of five Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, notably the flagship Eviscerator and another ship under the command of Gideon Hask. While refueling near Chinook Station on Bespin, three of the fleet's Star Destroyers were obliterated. The Eviscerator met its end during the Battle of Jakku, which marked the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.


The fleet commanded by Imperial Security Bureau Admiral Garrick Versio was comprised of no less than five Imperial II-class Star Destroyers. Among these vessels were Versio's flagship, known as the Eviscerator, and the Star Destroyer helmed by Inferno Squad Commander Gideon Hask. TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, TIE/IN interceptors including one piloted by Hask during the Battle of Jakku, and TIE/sa tactical bombers provided air support for the fleet. These TIE forces were organized into various units, with at least one squadron present. Supplies for the fleet came from Chinook Station on Bespin and an abandoned weapons depot located on Sullust.


The fleet's flagship, the Eviscerator

Following a skirmish on Vardos during Operation: Cinder where the Eviscerator and the Dauntless participated, ISB Admiral Versio eventually took command of a fleet. In 5 ABY, the New Republic launched an operation targeting Chinook Station, which was situated on Bespin within the Anoat sector. Despite the sector's lockdown enforced by Grand Moff Ubrik Adelhard and his Imperial remnant, Versio and his forces managed to secure fuel from a nearby depot.

During the mission, Commander Gideon Hask departed onboard one of the fleet's Star Destroyers. Consequently, the New Republic operatives shifted their focus to the fuel depot, which was actively refueling three Star Destroyers. This resulted in a successful chain reaction that destroyed all three ships. Following this mission and the destruction of an abandoned weapons depot on Sullust, Versio's supply lines were severed. Versio ultimately joined the Imperial loyalists on Jakku under the leadership of Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax—a rival of Grand Moff Adelhard—bringing his Eviscerator with him. Hask also joined Versio, and their combined forces participated in the Battle of Jakku against the New Republic. During this battle, the Eviscerator was obliterated, Versio was killed, and the Republic emerged victorious, effectively ending the Galactic Civil War.

