Zay Versio

During the New Republic era, a female human named Zay Versio distinguished herself as a skilled pilot of starfighters. Born to Del Meeko and Iden Versio, she was also the granddaughter of Garrick and Zeehay Versio through her mother's side. Despite her family's previous affiliation with the Galactic Empire, Zay and Iden chose to oppose the First Order following Gideon Hask's execution of Meeko near the end of the Cold War's days. Although they avenged Meeko by eliminating Hask, Zay also suffered the loss of her mother. Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, General Leia Organa tasked Zay with the crucial mission of locating allies for the Resistance within the Outer Rim Territories. To aid in the Resistance's resurgence, Zay collaborated with Dross Squadron to retrieve old starfighters located on Bracca. During the Battle of Exegol, Zay played a part in the conflict against the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order.


Early life

Zay Versio was born on the Corvus, a starship, before the mission to Pillio to Del Meeko and Iden Versio. She served as a New Republic pilot in the time leading up to the Hosnian Cataclysm.

Joining the Resistance

Mission to Athulla

During the [Cold War](/article/cold_war], Zay and her mother, Iden Versio, were piloting X-wing starfighters through an asteroid field when Shriv Suurgav, Versio's Rebel ally whom Zay considered an uncle, urgently summoned them to their starship, the Corvus. Suurgav revealed that Zay's father, Del Meeko, was missing, prompting them to embark on a search. This led them to Athulla, where they received a communication from an Athullan inquiring about the whereabouts of his people, only to discover that Meeko was not among them. Before they could gather more information beyond the phrase "Project Resurrection," their transmission was interrupted by a fleet from Jinata Security commanded by Leema Kai, who was responsible for the abduction of Athullans.

Mother and daughter

Subsequently, she and Iden entered their X-wings, engaging in aerial combat with Zay, Iden, and the Corvus against J-Sec, who were employing starfighters from the Clone Wars era. During the battle, Zay diverted the enemy fighters, enabling Iden to destroy three modified GR-75 medium transports and disable Kai's flagship, the Opportunity. This prompted Kai to confront them in a heavily modified Naboo starfighter armed with seismic charges. Upon Kai's death, Zay contacted the Opportunity, threatening to unleash all of the Corvus's concussion missiles simultaneously, leading to their surrender. However, Zay admitted to Iden that she had been bluffing.

Mission to Vardos

Later, they uncovered the full extent of Project Resurrection and learned that Protectorate Gleb was holding Del captive on Vardos, Iden's homeworld, which had suffered devastation from Operation: Cinder three decades prior. Zay remained on the Corvus, as Iden wished to shield her from confronting her mother's past. Shortly thereafter, the Corvus was shot down by the Retribution, Gideon Hask's flagship, in an attempt to eliminate her. However, she had evacuated in an escape pod just before the ship crashed and was destroyed. She then disabled the pod's distress beacon and established a makeshift sniper's position, engaging both Jinata Security and First Order forces. She was relieved when Shriv and Iden eventually located her.

After the battle concluded, Iden informed Zay that Hask had murdered Del and vowed to infiltrate his Star Destroyer for revenge, but Zay dissuaded her, arguing that it would not bring him back. The plan was revised to boarding the ship to gather intelligence for the Resistance. They then departed for the ship in stolen TIE fighters, flying in formation with other TIEs while Iden's ID10 seeker droid, Dio, searched for potential entry points. However, their cover was compromised, resulting in a dogfight. Dio subsequently discovered an opening through a heating port near the starboard engines, which they blasted open and entered just as the Star Destroyer prepared to jump to hyperspace.

Sabotaging the Retribution

Iden and Zay reunited after the incident on Vardos.

Having successfully boarded the ship, the trio advanced to a small command room, where Shriv discovered the schematics for a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought but was unable to transmit them to the Resistance while the ship was in hyperspace. Consequently, Iden devised a plan to force the ship out of hyperspace by destroying the hyperdrive, while Shriv sought an escape ship. Zay jokingly remarked that she understood why Shriv was nervous around her. After fighting their way to an armory and acquiring explosive charges, they proceeded to the hyperdrive. There, she began placing charges on critical areas while Iden provided cover from incoming stormtroopers. Before moving to the final area, Dio diverted reinforcements to clear their path, but just after Iden finished planting the last charge, Hask ambushed her and held her at gunpoint, taunting Iden to shoot him. She then surrendered her weapon, unwilling to risk hitting Zay.

Disappointed by her hesitation, he prepared to shoot Iden, but Zay broke free and redirected his shots before falling off the catwalk. Iden caught her at the last moment and pulled her back up before Hask attempted to finish off Iden. However, Zay tossed her pistol to her mother, who shot Hask off the catwalk and into the hyperdrive core, killing him and avenging her father. Zay and Iden then made their way to an observation room and detonated the charges, creating a hole beneath the ship and prematurely forcing it out of hyperspace. Pleased with the success of their plan, Iden suddenly collapsed in pain, revealing that she had been struck by a stray bolt from Hask's blaster. Concerned and saddened, Zay sought a way to help her mother, but Iden told her it was too late, urging her to remain strong and continue fighting, even if it meant dying, to make a difference.

Zay witnesses her mother's death

After expressing her love and instructing her to deliver Dio to the Resistance, Iden succumbed to her wound and passed away, leaving Zay devastated and alone with Dio as they watched Starkiller Base implode into a star. Shriv then contacted them, informing them that he had located a ship but that space was limited, only for Zay to reveal that Iden had died. Remembering Iden's final words, they arrived at D'Qar, the Resistance headquarters, during its evacuation and had a brief conversation with General Leia Organa, a seasoned rebel and the Resistance's leader. She offered her condolences upon learning of Iden's death but requested her help in locating the Resistance's allies within the Outer Rim Territories, to which she agreed. Organa then wished them well.

Gathering allies

Some time after the Battle of Crait, Zay contacted Organa, reporting promising leads. Although she hadn't found the allies Organa sought, they had located some of Iden's former Imperial associates who were not aligned with the First Order. Despite initial reservations about recruiting them, Organa ultimately approved Zay's decision, recognizing that Iden had demonstrated that some of the most dedicated rebel fighters had previously been on the opposing side before realizing that the pursuit of peace and justice came at a great cost.

Versio steals a T-70 X-wing fighter from Bracca

She and Shriv recruited Carlist Rieekan, a former general in the Rebel Alliance. They later reunited with Organa on Ryloth. Zay and Shriv also participated in the mission to steal starfighters from the planet Bracca.

Battle on Exegol

During the Battle of Exegol, Zay and Inferno Squad joined the Citizens' Fleet assembled by General Lando Calrissian to assist the Resistance in stopping Darth Sidious and the forces of the Sith Eternal forces.

Personality and traits

Zay's T-70 X-wing

Zay Versio was characterized as a young woman with brown hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and tan skin. Having grown up as the daughter of former Imperial special agents, she displayed maturity beyond her years and was a skilled combatant. She shared a close bond with Shriv Suurgav, who assumed a father-like role in her life, particularly after the loss of her parents. Shriv's overprotective nature sometimes annoyed Zay, but they ultimately shared a deep trust and affection for each other.

Behind the scenes

Zay Versio was conceived for the single-player campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II and made her debut in the Resurrection DLC, where she was portrayed by Brittany Volcy. Character artist Lauren Kelly designed the character for the game, and her character art was initially titled Zay Meeko.

After the original campaign revealed that Iden Versio and Del Meeko had a daughter, some fans and media outlets speculated that they were the parents of Rey, the protagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The release of the Resurrection DLC officially dispelled these rumors by identifying their daughter as Zay.

