Inferno Squad (Resistance)

Inferno Squad was a unit initially under the New Republic, and subsequently the Resistance, commanded by Commander Iden Versio. Iden Versio and [Del Meeko](/article/del_meeko], the original two members of Inferno Squad, had previously been part of the Imperial Inferno Squad, which was disbanded and also included Gideon Hask and Seyn Marana. Following Marana's death, four years later, Meeko and Versio defected from the Empire to join the New Republic, reforming Inferno Squad within the New Republic's structure.

Shriv Suurgav, a Duros, was integrated into Inferno Squad before the Battle of Jakku, and much later, Zay Versio, the daughter of Versio and Meeko, also became a member. However, both Versio and Meeko met their demise in 34 ABY during the conflicts that arose between the Resistance and the First Order. During the Evacuation of D'Qar, Zay and Suurgav received orders to gather allies for the Resistance in the Outer Rim Territories.

General Leia Organa had hoped that Inferno Squad would return with a task force composed of Starhawks to provide a much-needed miracle to rescue the Resistance before the Battle of Crait.

Suurgav and Zay successfully recruited Carlist Rieekan and some of Iden's former Imperial allies who chose not to align with the First Order, enlisting them into the Resistance. Subsequently, the two participated in the mission to Bracca as members of Dross Squadron.

During the Battle of Exegol, Inferno Squad fought alongside the Resistance against the Sith Eternal forces and Darth Sidious as part of the Citizens' Fleet led by General Lando Calrissian.

