Stealth Strike

title: Stealth Strike

The ninth episode of the animated television show Star Wars Rebels is titled "Stealth Strike," and it is from the second season. As the twenty-fourth episode of the entire series, it initially aired on Disney XD on November 25, 2015.

Official description

Rex and Kanan are forced to set aside their differences to rescue Ezra and Commander Sato after the Empire utilizes a potent new weapon to capture them.

Plot summary

Commander Jun Sato and Ezra Bridger are en route to the Del Zennis system via hyperspace to investigate the disappearance of a rebel patrol. Bridger reports that everything seems normal, but he then senses a disturbance in the force, indicating that something is about to occur. His premonition proves accurate when an unidentified Imperial vessel suddenly pulls them out of hyperspace and captures them. Commander Sato sends a distress signal, but it is abruptly cut off when their ship loses all power.

The Ghost crew receives Commander Sato's distress call, which informs them that they were pulled out of hyperspace. The rebels are confused because they believe pulling a ship out of hyperspace is impossible. Sabine Wren explains that gravity wells can accomplish this. While at the Academy, she discovered that the Empire was developing a new cruiser with gravity well projectors powerful enough to pull ships out of hyperspace. She believes the ship is still in the experimental phase and that tests are being conducted in remote areas, which is likely where they lost contact with Commander Sato. Kanan Jarrus orders everyone to prepare for a rescue mission. However, Hera Syndulla countermands his orders and instructs him to go with Rex alone. Jarrus is hesitant to work with Rex and would prefer to take Garazeb Orrelios or Wren, but Syndulla emphasizes that Rex's military experience will be invaluable in rescuing Bridger and Commander Sato, and that he can impersonate a Stormtrooper. Despite his animosity toward clones, Jarrus reluctantly agrees to Syndulla's plan for Bridger's sake. Meanwhile, Bridger and Commander Sato are apprehended and taken to the bridge, where they encounter Admiral Brom Titus. Commander Sato attempts to deceive the Admiral by claiming they are members of the Corporate Alliance, but Admiral Titus recognizes them as Commander Sato and Ezra Bridger. Admiral Titus knows Agent Kallus will be pleased to learn that he has Bridger, and he orders his men to secure them.

Back on Garel, Orrelios captures two stormtroopers, and Jarrus and Rex don their armor to go undercover. To facilitate their entry, Jarrus and Rex use a stolen Imperial shuttle and bring Chopper, disguised as an Imperial courier droid, to assist them in accessing terminals. While traveling through hyperspace, Jarrus intends to find their comrades and free them from Imperial custody, but Rex insists on disabling the Empire's new ship, as it poses a potential threat to the rebellion. They arrive at Bridger and Commander Sato's last known location and exit hyperspace. They spot the Empire's new ship and immediately receive a transmission. The Imperials inform them that they are in a restricted area, but Rex uses emergency protocols that he and Cody developed during the Clone Wars to persuade them to grant permission to board. On the bridge, Admiral Titus informs Agent Kallus about his captives. Kallus is impressed but warns the Admiral not to underestimate Ezra Bridger and orders him to lock him in a secure cell under triple guard.

After landing, Jarrus, Rex, and Chopper leave the shuttle and begin searching for their fellow Rebels. Their disguises as Imperials prevent suspicion. Chopper accesses a terminal and discovers that Ezra is being transferred to a secure cell, prompting them to pursue him first. Three stormtroopers are escorting Bridger to his cell in the detection block. Upon arrival, Bridger creates a distraction by using the force to ignite his lightsaber, which is attached to a stormtrooper. He breaks free and overpowers the troopers, locking them in a cell. He then sees two more stormtroopers approaching and immediately uses the stun gun on his lightsaber to incapacitate them. However, he realizes that the two stormtroopers are actually Jarrus and Rex after spotting Chopper. They are disoriented after being stunned. Bridger attempts to conceal his actions by claiming they were in a major firefight, but Chopper shows them a holographic projection of what actually occurred. Jarrus is shocked that his apprentice shot them, while Rex laughs it off. Bridger intervenes before another argument can erupt, stating that they still need to find Commander Sato and sabotage the ship. He proposes splitting up, with Bridger and Chopper going to the reactor that powers the ship's gravity well projectors while Jarrus and Rex rescue Sato. Jarrus refuses to split up and insists on staying together, rescuing Sato, and leaving, but Rex argues that Bridger is correct about destroying the ship. Another disagreement ensues, but Bridger again intervenes, making it clear that they will follow his plan. They split up, with Kanan privately telling Rex that his Padawan "takes after Hera sometimes".

Admiral Titus receives word that Bridger has escaped and orders a lockdown of all levels and the securing of all hangar bays. He also authorizes his men to kill Bridger on sight, not wanting to prove Agent Kallus right about underestimating him. The ship goes into full lockdown, with stormtroopers searching for Bridger. Bridger and Chopper reach the reactor core for the gravity wells, and Chopper devises a plan that involves using Bridger as a distraction. Bridger sneaks into the room unnoticed but is soon spotted by the technicians, who open fire. As Bridger distracts them, Chopper enters and accesses a terminal. He disables gravity, making it difficult for Bridger to fight back. After some tampering, Chopper restores gravity, causing everyone floating to fall to their death. Bridger escapes safely, and they retreat as stormtroopers arrive. Meanwhile, Jarrus and Rex fight their way to the detention cell where the Imperials are holding Commander Sato and his companions. They free them and attempt to return to Sato's ship. More stormtroopers arrive and begin to overwhelm them. Rex decides to buy the others time by holding off their pursuers, despite Jarrus' objections. Rex seals the door and single-handedly engages the pursuing stormtroopers but is stunned and captured.

Rex is brought before Admiral Titus, who expresses disappointment in Rex's alliance with the rebellion, recalling when his kind brought peace to the galaxy. He offers Rex a chance at redemption: surrender his compatriots, and he will grant him immunity and reinstatement at an Imperial training academy. Rex refuses, and Admiral Titus introduces the alternative: an interrogator droid programmed to kill him. Jarrus senses Rex's pain through the Force and decides to rescue him while the others continue to return to the ship. With Bridger leading the way, the Rebels evade the attacking stormtroopers and reach their ship.

The Imperial Interdictor's demise

As Admiral Titus prepares to execute Rex, Jarrus intervenes and saves Rex, causing the Admiral to flee. Jarrus helps Rex escape through the corridors, and after ordering Bridger and Sato to launch without them, they head to the escape pods. Sato and his crew leave the Imperial ship, and after picking up Jarrus and Rex, they prepare to jump to hyperspace. However, they are caught in the gravity well again and are being pulled back to the Imperial ship. The Imperials are too late to realize that Chopper has rigged their own weapon against them, pulling every ship in sight. The two Arquitens-class command cruisers collide with the Admiral's ship, destroying it. With the gravity well gone, the Rebels escape. Following their successful escape, Commander Sato expresses his gratitude to Jarrus, Rex, and Bridger for saving him and his crew. Rex also thanks Jarrus for saving him, and they salute each other before parting ways.


