
The Dral'Han, or Annihilation as it is more commonly known, represents a pivotal battle that occurred during the concluding stages of the extensive and ancient Mandalorian conflict. This conflict pitted the Jedi against the Mandalorian warlords, ultimately culminating in a cataclysmic event. This event ravaged a significant portion of the planet Mandalore's surface, transforming it into a desolate white desert incapable of supporting life outside the confines of carefully sealed dome cities. The term "Annihilation" is "Mando'a" for Dral'Han.

The planet Mandalore's environment was significantly impacted by the hundreds of years of warfare. The grasslands, which persisted into Satine Kryze's youth, were obliterated by the wars that occurred during her lifetime.

Behind the scenes

The idea of a cataclysm that devastated Mandalore was developed to provide context to the Mandalorian people's history, as shown in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. In Star Wars Legends material, the Mandalorian Excision was the name given to this occurrence, but it is no longer considered part of the official canon.

