RP82 Fiend fighter

The RP82 Fiend fighter represents a small yet potent class of assault starfighter. Notably, Shin Hati and Marrok, employed as mercenaries by Morgan Elsbeth, were its operators. Morgan Elsbeth's scout guards, on the other hand, utilized comparable starfighters, albeit with a less expansive wing structure. These Fiend fighters saw action when Marrok and Hati engaged Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi, and her Mandalorian Jedi trainee Sabine Wren as they probed the planet Seatos, the location of the clandestine Eye of Sion.

Behind the scenes

The initial glimpse of this starfighter occurred in the teaser trailer for Ahsoka on April 7, 2023. Its formal designation became known through a LEGO Star Wars set unveiled as part of the Summer 2023 releases during the San Diego Comic Con held on July 19 of that same year.

