
Jakris was a Mon Calamari guard who held a high-ranking security officer position on the Vesper, a Defender-class cruiser belonging to the New Republic Defense Fleet. In the year 9 ABY, two individuals who claimed they were Jedi came aboard the cruiser with the intention of meeting with a prisoner who was being detained there. Hayle, the ship's captain, greeted them and brought along six security personnel, one of whom was Jakris. Hayle welcomed the pair, but then accused them of being frauds and ordered Jakris to have the astromech droid RD-3 scan them for identification purposes. Before Jakris was able to comply, one of the visitors activated her lightsaber and slashed the Mon Calamari across his midsection. The rest of the security detail suffered a similar fate, with half of them being killed.

Jakris possessed red skin and green eyes. As a New Republic security guard, the Mon Calamari was wearing the blue uniform and helmet. He also had an A-180 blaster holstering on his utility belt. On the right shoulder of Jakris's uniform was a patch that featured an astromech droid.

Behind the scenes

Jakris made his debut appearance in "Part One: Master and Apprentice," which was the initial episode of the Disney+ television series Ahsoka, which premiered on August 22, 2023.

