The Noti represent an extragalactic species, exhibiting sentience and a crustacean-like morphology. They are indigenous to Peridea, a planet characterized by its ring system and situated within the far galaxy, a considerable distance from the primary galaxy.
Reaching a height of only 90 cm, equivalent to 2 ft 11 in, the Noti possess grayish-blue protective shells, known as carapaces, covering their backs. These carapaces bear resemblance to those of crabs or similar shell-forming crustaceans. Like turtles, the Noti have the ability to withdraw into their shells voluntarily, typically as a defensive measure when facing threats. A key distinction between the Noti and other non-sentient crustaceans lies in their bipedal and terrestrial nature. They stand on sturdy feet with three toes and possess prominent, robust hands that function as pincers or claws, each featuring two to three digits. Their bodies are covered in bluish skin that extends to their tubular eyestalks. Noti commonly wear basic, durable garments beneath their carapaces, and they do not seem to wear footwear.
On Peridea, the Noti maintain a simple, nomadic lifestyle. Their dwellings are pod-shaped homes that also serve as transportation, enabling them to traverse the planet's grasslands. These homes can be sealed, providing the Noti with shelter and protection, similar to the function of their carapaces. The Noti are a peace-loving species, forgoing conventional weapons in favor of more rudimentary defense methods, such as slingshots.
After the human Jedi Padawan, Ezra Bridger, was self-exiled from the galaxy, he found himself marooned on Peridea. There, he integrated into a nomadic Noti community. One member of this species was encountered by the Mandalorian Sabine Wren during her search for Ezra. This Noti, along with other Noti concealed nearby, guided Wren to their village, ultimately leading her to Bridger.

To evade detection by Grand Admiral Thrawn and his remaining Imperial forces, whom Bridger had also banished to Peridea, Bridger journeyed with the Noti villagers in their mobile, pod-shaped homes. Following their reunion, Bridger, Wren, and the Noti traveled across the planet until they were ambushed by Shin Hati and a group of bandits. The Noti aided Bridger and Wren by employing slingshots and hurling various objects at the bandits.
Although the bandits managed to damage and immobilize one of the mobile homes, Bridger and the remaining Noti returned to protect their fellow villagers. Night Troopers were also deployed to assist Hati, prompting the Noti to seek refuge inside their pods at Bridger's request until the attackers withdrew. After the Imperial forces retreated, Bridger introduced the Noti to his longtime ally Ahsoka Tano and the Jedi architect droid Huyang.
Bridger and his extragalactic allies accompanied the Noti caravan as it journeyed across the plains of Peridea, with Huyang piloting Tano's T-6 shuttle overhead. During their travels, the caravan was attacked by two of Thrawn's TIE fighters. Although the Jedi neutralized Thrawn's fighters, several Noti sustained injuries.
Subsequently, the Jedi launched an assault on the Great Mothers' Fortress but were unsuccessful in preventing Thrawn's Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera from escaping back to the New Republic's galaxy aboard the Eye of Sion. While Bridger managed to board the Chimaera, Wren, Tano, and Huyang were left stranded on Peridea. They chose to return to the Noti caravan.
The Noti made their debut in "Part Six: Far, Far Away," the sixth episode of the Disney+ television series Ahsoka, which premiered on September 19, 2023.