The Rebel Alliance starbird
The symbol representing the Alliance to Restore the Republic, known by names such as the Rebel Alliance starbird, the Alliance crest, and the Resistance crest, was prominently displayed. Rebel pilots flying X-wing craft had the starbird emblem decorating their flight helmets. Cara Dune, a former rebel shock trooper, bore a tattooed image of the Alliance starbird on her face, specifically her cheek. The same symbol was later embraced by the Resistance nearly three years decades following the Battle of Endor. Many pilots, including Poe Dameron, displayed the logo on their helmets. Furthermore, the New Republic insignia incorporated the starbird design.
The design originated from a combination of the personal signature of Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian artist, and the three-pronged symbol utilized by Saw Gerrera.
The starbird appeared on a multitude of items and emblems, including:
- Ello Asty 's helmet [6]
- Poe Dameron 's helmet [6]
- Venisa Doza 's helmet [8]
- Nien Nunb 's helmet [6]
- Jek Tono Porkins ' helmet [1]
- Jessika Pava 's helmet [6]
- Dosmit Ræh 's helmet [6]
- Dak Ralter 's helmet [1]
- Luke Skywalker 's helmet [3]
- Tyson's helmet [9]
- Snap Wexley's helmet [5]
- Blue Squadron [10]
- Red Squadron [3]
- Tierfon Yellow Aces [6]