Raiders' hideout

A hideout for raiders was established by 18 BBY on a mountain located on the planet known as Barton IV. Inside, one could find numerous cargo crates, a snow skiff that held two cargo crates pilfered from the nearby Imperial Depot on the same planet, and at least one power generator. Furthermore, a pile of pressure mines rested upon a cargo crate, and the entire location was defended by local raiders. Around 18 BBY, CT-9904, referred to as "Crosshair," along with Clone Commander Mayday, launched an assault on this hideout. Their objective was to retrieve the two cargo crates that the local raiders had stolen from the depot.


Around 18 BBY, CT-9904, also known as "Crosshair," and Clone Commander Mayday received orders from Lieutenant Nolan. They were tasked with recovering two cargo crates containing TK stormtrooper gear that had been taken by local raiders. The two clone troopers complied, following a trail of blood left by a raider who had been shot by Crosshair during the raiders' attack on an Imperial Depot situated on the planet. The blood trail led them directly to the raiders' hideout, which was situated in close proximity to the depot. Crosshair carefully observed the hideout, noticing two raiders stationed as guards at the entrance, while the remaining raiders were inside. Subsequently, the two clones silently eliminated the two guards and infiltrated the hideout. Crosshair then deployed an EMP grenade, successfully disabling at least four raiders. A battle ensued between the two clones and the raiders, who were armed with stolen DC-15A blaster carbines and electrostaffs.

During the engagement, Crosshair fired upon a raider just as they were attempting to escape the hideout with the stolen cargo crates. Crosshair then targeted a stack of pressure mines that were placed on top of a cargo crate, resulting in the destruction of the hideout. After the battle, Mayday and Crosshair located the stolen cargo crates and discovered that they contained TK stormtrooper gear. Mayday, in a fit of anger, questioned why the clone troopers couldn't have used the gear themselves. He expressed his disappointment, suggesting that the clones' loyalty seemed meaningless to the Empire. Before Crosshair could respond, the battle triggered an avalanche, forcing Crosshair and Mayday to seek refuge. Ultimately, the avalanche buried both Mayday and Crosshair in snow. Crosshair, however, survived and escorted Mayday back to the depot.

Behind the scenes

The hideout's initial appearance occurred in "The Outpost," which is the twelfth episode within the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It was officially released on March 8, 2023.

