
During the Imperial Era, a Clone Commander known as Mayday found himself stationed on the frozen planet of Barton IV. In 18 BBY, Imperial Lieutenant Nolan assigned him and "Crosshair," also known as CT-9904, to retrieve stolen Imperial provisions from local outlaws. Despite their efforts, the mission failed, but Crosshair chose not to abandon his comrade. Crosshair braved the harsh, frigid environment to return Mayday, who was suffering from injuries sustained during an avalanche, to the planet's Imperial depot. Nolan, however, refused to provide medical assistance, and Mayday died in front of a helpless Crosshair, an action that prompted Crosshair to defect from the Empire.


Assignment on Barton IV

On the extragalactic planet of Kamino, Mayday was born as a genetic clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Consequently, he was inducted into the Galactic Republic's service as a clone trooper and Clone Commander within their ground forces. He fought for the Republic in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, demonstrating a commitment to serving as a Republic soldier. In 19 BBY, Mayday and his fellow clone troopers received direct orders from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. The clone army was commanded to exterminate the Jedi Order, who were labeled as traitors to the Republic, in accordance with Order 66 and enforced by behavioral modification biochips. Shortly thereafter, the Clone Wars came to an abrupt end, and the Chancellor reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire.

Following this transformation, the clone troopers continued their military duties as stormtroopers in the Imperial Army. However, clone service was slated to be phased out in favor of a more economical military composed of conscripted soldiers, which was authorized by the passage of the Defense Recruitment Bill in the Imperial Senate. Despite the gradual replacement of clones, Mayday, along with a squad of troopers, was deployed to the snow-covered planet of Barton IV. Their mission was to defend a vital supply depot and ensure the secure storage of critical shipments for the Imperial Military. The commander faced constant attacks from local raiders and requested equipment, such as replacement sensor beacons, due to the degradation of the existing ones in the harsh planetary conditions. He believed the raiders were exploiting this weakness. With the Empire ignoring his requests but still ordering him to protect the cargo, Mayday was compelled to improvise in various situations to counter the raiders.

Reinforcements Arrive

Mayday, Hexx, and Veetch were the only men left in the outpost.

After a year on assignment, the raider attacks intensified, with recent ambushes catching the Imperial troopers by surprise. Mayday, now left with only two troopers, Hexx and Veetch, honored the fallen by displaying their helmets as memorials. He sent a request for reinforcements to Barton IV. After thirty-six rotations on the icy planet, Lieutenant Nolan arrived from the capital planet Coruscant with four clone troopers, including clone commando CT-9904, to assist Mayday. Although the Imperials still held the depot, Nolan expressed his dissatisfaction with Mayday's performance in defending it and his overall command. Mayday, in turn, revealed that most of his troopers had been killed and voiced his frustration with the lieutenant's delayed arrival without prior notice.

Nolan was sent to get situated by Hexx and Veetch, while Mayday stayed behind to get to know Crosshair, talking about how annoyed he was with Nolan, whom Crosshair said he'd only known for a couple of hours. After they exchanged names, they left the depot so Crosshair could get a feel for the area. Mayday explained that he had been protecting the cargo on Barton IV for the past year, and that he hoped that once it was shipped off-world, he and his squad would be able to leave. He learned that local raiders were supposedly bypassing the degraded sensors to attack the depot and that he wasn't authorized to see what was in the crates when Crosshair asked who was attacking the depot and what the crates contained. Mayday advised Crosshair to team up when scouting and to stay close, as the temperatures or the locals could kill him, before Veetch contacted the commander to report that raiders were attacking from inside the depot's perimeter.

Veetch reported Hexx's death and the approach of three raiders toward the shuttle as Crosshair headed east and Mayday headed west to flank the raiders. The raiders blew up the shuttle, killing Veetch in the process, and fled with two cargo shipments on a snow skiff headed for the western ridge, while Crosshair gave chase to one who was hurt. Mayday entered a dug-in cave and assumed the attackers had retreated into the mountains, but he soon realized that they were using the cave to bypass the Imperial defenses. Nolan ordered Mayday to send Hexx and Veetch to retrieve the stolen cargo, but Mayday, the only survivor of his squad, informed him that they had been killed in the attack and that they lacked the manpower and equipment for a retrieval mission beyond the perimeter. Nolan refused Mayday's request to use his troopers for the mission and instead ordered Mayday and Crosshair to retrieve the cargo themselves.

Pursuing the Cargo

Mayday disarms a pressure mine to save Crosshair.

Crosshair and Mayday followed the blood trail left by one of the raiders and entered a cave system. Crosshair stepped on a pressure mine while navigating the caves, but Mayday reassured him that it could be disarmed before it detonated. Mayday voiced his displeasure with the Empire's treatment of the clones while working to disarm the mine, calling the mission to guard the depot and its cargo pointless. After disarming the mine, the two men came to the raiders' camp. The two Imperials silently eliminated two guards before opening fire on the camp as the raiders gathered around a fire. Mayday examined the stolen cargo after successfully eliminating the raiders and discovered that it contained supplies for the increasingly common TK stormtroopers, who were intended to eventually replace clone stormtroopers following the passage of the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill. Mayday expressed his disbelief that his squad had spent more than a year guarding equipment they could have used, before reflecting on the sacrifices the clones had made for both the former Republic and the Empire.

However, before the supplies could be collected, an avalanche struck, burying Crosshair and Mayday despite their attempts to escape. Crosshair quickly recovered and managed to dig Mayday, who was now weak and injured, out of the snow. Although Mayday urged Crosshair to leave, the commando instead pulled the trooper out of the snow, and the two began their arduous journey back to the Imperial depot.


Mayday dying as Crosshair begs Lieutenant Nolan for medical support.

As darkness descended, Crosshair and Mayday sought shelter behind a rock, huddling together in an attempt to stay warm. Mayday's condition deteriorated throughout the night as they remained stranded. By morning, the blizzard had subsided, and Crosshair and Mayday approached the Imperial depot, which was now entirely manned by TK stormtroopers. Despite Crosshair's pleas, Nolan refused to provide Mayday with medical attention upon seeing the clones arrive, claiming it would be a waste of Imperial resources. As Mayday succumbed to his injuries and died in front of them, Nolan declared that the clone had completed his service to the Empire as a soldier before reminding Crosshair that, as a clone, he was expendable. Nolan then ordered Crosshair to return to work, threatening him with a fate similar to Mayday's. Enraged, Crosshair shot and killed Nolan before passing out as a group of TK stormtroopers rushed to disarm him.


Crosshair would return to Barton IV at least six months later, after escaping Imperial imprisonment at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland and reuniting with his old squad, Clone Force 99. While his squadmates searched the now-abandoned and partially buried depot for information about Tantiss, Crosshair found Mayday's helmet, which had been discarded in a corner with the helmets of his men. Crosshair picked up Mayday's helmet and stared at it silently before placing it on a supply crate. After pausing briefly to look at his old friend's helmet again, Crosshair picked up and arranged the helmets of Hexx and Veetch, along with the other clone helmets, in an effort to recreate the small memorial that Mayday had previously created for his deceased men.

Personality and Characteristics

Clone Commander Mayday in his disheveled Phase II armor.

Mayday, a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, was a human male with tan skin, long black hair, and brown eyes. As a clone [trooper](/article/trooper], he was 1.83 meters tall. Despite his loyalty to the Galactic Empire, Mayday found the mission to guard the Imperial depot on Barton IV to be pointless and was particularly dissatisfied with the Empire's treatment of clones. Mayday had a deep concern for the troopers under his command and kept the helmets of his fallen squad members on display inside the Imperial depot.


Mayday, as a clone stormtrooper, wore standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor. After a year on Barton IV, Mayday's armor was tattered and supplemented with various fabrics to withstand the weather. He carried a DC-15A blaster carbine with a glowrod attached. He also carried a small hammer to disarm pressure mines, a skill he had developed despite not having the proper equipment.

