Mayday's squad

A group of clone stormtroopers, under the command of Clone Commander Mayday, found themselves stationed at an Imperial depot situated on Barton IV. Around 18 BBY, the arrival of Lieutenant Nolan and Crosshair on Barton IV served as a reinforcement measure for the existing squad. When questioned about the whereabouts of his unit, Mayday explained that he, Hexx, and Veetch were the only remaining soldiers. In a somber display, the squad preserved the helmets of their fallen brothers, arranging them on cargo containers within the confines of the Imperial depot.

Subsequently, the local raiders launched an assault on the outpost. The attack resulted in the deaths of both Hexx and Veetch, leaving Mayday as the sole survivor of the squad. When Nolan issued an order for Mayday and Crosshair to pursue the raiders, Mayday sustained critical injuries during an avalanche triggered by their offensive on the raiders' clandestine location. Following a protracted return journey to the base, Mayday succumbed to his wounds, a consequence of Nolan's denial of medical assistance.


Initially, the squad consisted of various clone stormtroopers, each equipped with the standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor and DC-15A blaster carbines. After spending over a year stationed on Barton IV, the squad's numbers dwindled to a mere three members: Mayday, Hexx, and Veetch. They were compelled to maintain their tattered armor, held together by numerous cloth wrappings.


Barton IV deployment

Mayday's unit was assigned to maintain a presence at a Imperial depot on the icy planet Barton IV. Throughout the course of a year, the unit endured substantial losses while defending the depot against local insurgents. At some point in 18 BBY, Commander Mayday transmitted a distress signal to the Empire, which, after a delay of thirty-six rotations, was eventually acknowledged and addressed. Under the leadership of Lieutenant Nolan, clone commando Crosshair and a small contingent of clone stormtroopers were deployed to Barton IV with the purpose of reinforcing Mayday's unit.

Reinforcements arrive

Amidst a blizzard, the small unit landed on Barton IV and were greeted by Commander Mayday and the remaining members of his unit. As Mayday and Crosshair conducted a survey of the depot's perimeter, the local insurgents launched another attack. During the assault, Hexx and Veetch met their deaths while defending the depot, and the insurgents managed to pilfer a portion of the supplies stored there. Enraged, Lieutenant Nolan reprimanded Crosshair and Mayday for their failure to safeguard the cargo and instructed the two clones to embark on a mission to retrieve it.

Attack on the insurgent camp

Following the trail of blood left by one of the insurgents, Crosshair and Mayday navigated a nearby cave system. After successfully disarming a pressure mine, the two discovered the insurgent camp and launched a surprise attack on the fighters as they gathered around the camp's fire. Following an intense exchange of fire, the insurgents were defeated, but the Imperial cargo, which was revealed to be equipment intended for future TK stormtroopers, was lost in a subsequent avalanche.

Death of Mayday

Despite surviving the avalanche, Mayday sustained mortal wounds. Crosshair refused to abandon the trooper, and the two began their journey back to the Imperial depot. As darkness fell, they sought shelter behind a rock, waiting for the blizzard to subside. By morning, they had reached the depot, but Mayday's condition had deteriorated significantly throughout the night. Despite Crosshair's pleas, Lieutenant Nolan denied Mayday medical attention as he died, reminding Crosshair that, as clones, he and Mayday were expendable. As Nolan turned to leave, Crosshair called out to him before fatally shooting him and then losing consciousness as a group of TK stormtroopers rushed over to disarm him.


At least six months later, Crosshair would journey back to Barton IV after escaping from Imperial imprisonment at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland and reuniting with his former unit, Clone Force 99. As his squad members searched the now-abandoned and partially buried depot for information regarding Tantiss, Crosshair stumbled upon Mayday's helmet, which had been discarded in a corner alongside the helmets of his men. Crosshair picked up Mayday's helmet and stared at it silently before placing it on a supply crate, along with the other clone helmets, in an effort to recreate the small memorial that Mayday had previously established for his deceased men.

