Black ice vulture

The ice vulture, also known as the black ice vulture, was a species of avian life that originated on the frigid world of Barton IV.

Biology and appearance

A black ice vulture in flight during a clear day on Barton IV

These large, meat-eating birds thrived amidst the icy environment of Barton IV. These vultures stood out as one of the limited number of organisms capable of enduring the extended periods of cold and blustery weather on that planet.

Their azure feathers provided camouflage against the backdrop of the environment. Boasting impressive wingspans, ice vultures navigated the skies with effortless glides and dives, accompanied by piercing cries. Black ice vultures were typically observed alone, but occasionally gathered in groups when food was available. They consumed any animals that succumbed to the freezing temperatures or simply met an unfortunate end. These birds possessed pointed beaks and extremely sharp claws.


Mayday, a Clone Commander, cautioned Crosshair regarding the perils posed by these vultures upon his arrival on Barton IV. Simultaneously, Mayday expressed admiration for the vultures' resilience and ability to endure in such harsh conditions.

