In the time period after the bombardment of Tipoca City, Vice Admiral Rampart gave the order for the assassination of multiple people who were aware of his participation in the attack. One of those targeted was Slip, who was tailed by Clone X as Slip made his way to a remote industrial section of Coruscant to rendezvous with Rex. Unaware of the plot against the fleeing clone trooper, Senator Riyo Chuchi and a pair of her guards also followed him to the same location, approaching Slip before Rex arrived. Knowing he was being followed, Slip tried to escape, which caused Clone X to open fire and kill him. However, X, not confident that he had prevented Slip's information from getting out, decided to broaden his mission to include the elimination of Senator Chuchi. As her guards escorted the senator into a nearby derelict building, he continued to exchange fire with them, ultimately killing both. He then pursued the frightened Chuchi as she fled onto a catwalk, but before he could deliver the fatal shot, Rex, who had just arrived to meet with Slip, stunned him.
Rex and Chuchi brought the captured assassin to Trace Martez's repair shop for questioning, but instead of divulging any additional information, X bit down on an implanted suicide shocker, resulting in his death.