Riyo Chuchi and Avi Singh's secret meeting

Riyo Chuchi, a senator hailing from the moon of Pantora and belonging to the Pantoran species, and Avi Singh, a human senator representing the planet [Raxus](/article/raxus_secundus], held a clandestine discussion in 18 BBY. This surreptitious encounter, known as Riyo Chuchi and Avi Singh's secret meeting, took place at a tea parlor located on Pantora. Their agenda involved exploring the possibility of establishing a coalition to stand against the Galactic Empire, a significant move considering their previous allegiances during the Clone Wars. Rex, a clone, oversaw the meeting to ensure its safety and security. The meeting faced a threat when CX-1, a Clone X trooper, infiltrated the premises with the intention to assassinate both senators. Fortunately, Rex and his Clone Underground intervened, successfully thwarting the assassination attempt and apprehending CX-1.

