Mission to recover cargo

A mission focused on retrieving stolen goods unfolded circa 18 BBY. This occurred after a band of local insurgents launched an assault on the Imperial Depot situated on the frigid planet of Barton IV.


Around 18 BBY, Clone Commander "Mayday", who had been stationed at the Imperial Depot on Barton IV for over a year, put in a request for reinforcements. This was due to his squad having sustained significant losses while defending against local insurgents. After a period of thirty-six rotations, Clone commando CT-9904 "Crosshair", accompanied by at least three other clone troopers, were assigned to Imperial lieutenant [Nolan]'s command. They were then dispatched to Barton IV with the purpose of bolstering Mayday and his remaining squad members.

The mission

Under attack

Upon their arrival, Nolan and Crosshair discovered Mayday along with two other clones, named Veetch and Hexx, safeguarding Imperial cargo. Mayday voiced his frustration regarding the tardiness of the reinforcements' arrival. He also confirmed that he and the other two clones were the only ones left alive from his original unit. Nolan expressed his dissatisfaction with the clone's performance and disrespectful tone. He declared that he would now be in control of the operation until the cargo had been successfully relocated. Nolan then departed, leaving Mayday and Crosshair to become acquainted.

Subsequently, a group of insurgents initiated an attack on the Imperial Depot, detonating a Rho-class transport shuttle and absconding with a portion of the cargo. Crosshair managed to shoot and injure one of the insurgents, but they still managed to escape from the depot. Veetch and Hexx did not survive the assault. Despite the reduced number of available troopers, Nolan instructed Crosshair and Mayday to go and recover the stolen cargo. The two clones requested TK stormtroopers as backup, but Nolan denied their request, stating that he could not leave the depot undefended.

The retrieval

Crosshair and Mayday journeyed through a series of caves, tracking the trail left behind by the insurgents. Crosshair inadvertently triggered a pressure mine, but Mayday managed to safely disarm it. Upon reaching the insurgent encampment, they deployed an Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade to incapacitate some of the insurgents, and then engaged the remaining insurgents in a firefight. Crosshair fired upon a cluster of pressure mines, eliminating a significant number of insurgents and effectively ending the conflict. After locating the stolen items, the two discovered that the cargo consisted of TK stormtrooper armor. Mayday expressed his discontent regarding the perceived mistreatment and replacement of the clones, particularly in light of their contributions during the Clone Wars.

Following this, an avalanche, presumably triggered by the preceding battle, overwhelmed Crosshair and Mayday. However, they managed to extricate themselves from the snow. Mayday urged Crosshair to abandon him, but Crosshair instead assisted him in getting up. The two then proceeded to navigate the frigid environment until they eventually returned to the depot.

Nolan encountered the two survivors, but refused to provide them with any medical assistance despite their requests. Mayday ultimately succumbed to the harsh, icy conditions, and passed away in Crosshair's presence. Enraged by this, Crosshair informed Nolan that he could have saved Mayday. However, the lieutenant simply responded that Mayday had fulfilled his purpose and that the clones were considered expendable. Nolan began to walk away, but Crosshair called him back. Nolan turned around to face Crosshair, who then fatally shot the lieutenant. Four TK troopers then appeared on the scene, just as Crosshair collapsed from exhaustion.


Following this ordeal, Crosshair regained consciousness to find himself within an operating room, in the presence of Emerie Karr. Crosshair inquired about his location, but Karr evaded the question and stated that the doctor would attend to him in due course. She then advised the clone to cooperate in order to increase his chances of survival, shortly before he lost consciousness again following an injection.

Sometime later, Crosshair was escorted from his detention cell back to the same operating room he had previously been in, where he encountered Doctor Royce Hemlock. The doctor requested his cooperation in locating Clone Force 99, promising him a clean slate in return. Crosshair rejected the offer and was subsequently subjected to torture by an IT-O Interrogation Unit. Before Hemlock could continue the interrogation, he was informed by Scalder that an attack had occurred on one of their transport ship originating from Balmorra, and he departed. Karr subsequently terminated the torture procedure to assess Crosshair's condition, which he seized as an opportunity to escape from the facility. He retrieved a blaster from one of the TK stormtroopers and shot the two stormtroopers guarding the chamber. Karr warned Crosshair that escape was impossible, but he disregarded her warning and stunned her.

