Havoc Outpost served as a trading hub and resupply depot. It was a secret meeting location for the burgeoning rebellion in the uncharted territories of Wild Space. During their initial operations against the oppressive Galactic Empire, the rebels utilized this base. Positioned dramatically on a cliff's edge, it offered a commanding view of a mountain lake below. The outpost included several landing platforms encircling a central command hub, which featured a flight control tower. Subterranean passages linked the main Havoc Outpost building to excavated rock formations rising from the center of the lake.
In 4 BBY, Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian warrior and a key member of the Spectres team, transported the GNK-series power droid named EG-86 to Havoc Outpost. This droid held crucial intelligence intended for the rebellion. The information was ultimately passed to the astromech droid R2-D2, who was acting under the instructions of Senator Bail Organa from Alderaan.
The first appearance of Havoc Outpost was in the Star Wars Rebels episode entitled "Blood Sisters," which was part of the second season.