Pryce family

The Pryce lineage represented a Lothalite human family that existed throughout the Imperial Era. Before being compelled to relinquish it to the Galactic Empire to prevent Governor Ryder Azadi's takeover, the family was the proprietor of Pryce Mining. Arihnda Pryce began employment for Senator Domus Renking on Coruscant, later joining and betraying the Higher Skies Advocacy Group. Subsequently, Arihnda ascended to the position of Governor of Lothal, overseeing the Imperialization of her own homeworld. Her parents, Talmoor and Elainye Pryce, secured employment managing a mine on the planet Batonn.


The Loss of Pryce Mining

The Pryce family included Talmoor Pryce, who served as the mining foreman, along with his spouse Elainye, and their offspring Arihnda. Upon reaching adulthood, Arihnda assumed the role of manager for her family's mining enterprise, Pryce Mining, whose assets encompassed a doonium deposit located near Capital City. Pryce Mining was a supplier of doonium to the expanding Imperial Navy. During the early years of the Imperial Era, Governor Ryder Azadi attempted to seize control of Pryce Mining by acquiring a 21% ownership stake in the company. When Arihnda voiced her opposition, Azadi orchestrated the imprisonment of Elainye's mother on fabricated charges of embezzlement.

Arihnda sought assistance from Senator Domus Renking. In exchange for aiding Elainye, Renking exerted pressure on Arihnda to permit the Empire to purchase a controlling interest in her family's firm. As recompense, Renking provided Arihnda with a position overseeing one of his citizen assistance offices catering to Lothalite expatriates residing on Coruscant. Talmoor and Elainye also obtained employment managing the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex situated on the planet Batonn. While in Renking's employ, Arihnda discovered that her superior was attempting to defraud Moff Ghadi, who subsequently blackmailed Pryce into working for him. As a result of a reduction in funding, Pryce was terminated from her position with Senator Renking, who attributed the crisis to her.

A Shift in Fortunes

Following her tenure at the Proam Avenue Citizen Assistance, Pryce became a member of the Higher Skies Advocacy Group, alongside her associates Driller MarDapp and Juahir Madras. Under Juahir's guidance, Pryce also acquired skills in martial arts, training under the Togorian master H'sishi at the Yinchom Dojo. Pryce later uncovered that Higher Skies was utilizing bodyguards to conduct espionage on Imperial officials and projects on behalf of the insurgent leader Nightswan. Upon the counsel of then-Captain Thrawn and Imperial Security Bureau Colonel Wullf Yularen, Pryce became a double agent for the Empire. After discovering that Moff Ghadi intended to exploit Higher Skies' information regarding Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to gain an advantage over Tarkin, Pryce exposed Higher Skies and Moff Ghadi to Grand Moff Tarkin in exchange for being appointed Governor of Lothal and securing the promotion of Thrawn's friend Eli Vanto to Lieutenant Commander.

Arihnda dedicated a year to familiarizing herself with the responsibilities of her role as Governor before returning to Lothal. Pryce oversaw the expansion of Imperial industry, mining operations, and military installations on Lothal. Seeking retribution against Senator Renking for exploiting her, she shut down Pryce Mining after determining that the mine's doonium reserves had been depleted. Pryce also successfully advocated for Lothal to serve as the location for an expanded Imperial Navy presence within that area of the Outer Rim Territories. Aware of Renking's corrupt practices, Pryce also manipulated Renking into bribing Governor Sanz of Kintoni to sabotage her world's bid. As a consequence of Renking's arrest, Pryce eliminated political opposition to her governance on Lothal.

The Batonn Insurgency

In the meantime, Pryce's parents, Talmoor and Elainye, became disillusioned with Batonn's corrupt Governor Restos, who governed the planet on behalf of the Empire. During the Batonn insurgency, the insurgent survivors of the Battle of Scrim Island retreated to the safety of the Creekpath mine, resulting in a siege by Imperial forces and the Batonn Defense Force. Talmoor and Elainye sympathized with the insurgents' objectives. These insurgents were led by Nightswan, who had engaged in a confrontation with Pryce's ally Admiral Thrawn. Concerned for her parents' well-being, Pryce journeyed to Batonn to extract them.

She accompanied an undercover ISB Agent named Gudry who was assigned the task of planting explosives to disable the mine's shield generator. A disagreement arose between Arihnda and Gudry when she insisted on evacuating her parents before the anticipated Imperial assault. Gudry refused since he did not want to draw their attention. Arihnda killed Gudry and then blew up the explosives cache to hide the evidence. The resulting explosion killed Nightswan, all the insurgents in the mine, and many civilians. While Talmoor and Elainye were unaware of their daughter's role in the bombing, they became increasingly disillusioned with the Empire. Arihnda sought to rationalize the Empire's actions by claiming that the insurgents provoked it.

Confronting the Rebellion

As a reaction to the Phoenix Cell's actions within the Lothal sector, Governor Pryce employed the services of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who had received a promotion for his involvement in suppressing the Batonn insurgency. Pryce engaged members of the Phoenix Squadron on multiple occasions and even participated in an unsuccessful operation to capture former Senator Mon Mothma, the founder of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the Battle of Atollon, Thrawn led the ground assault, leaving Arihnda in command of his flagship, the Chimaera, of the 7th Fleet.

Pryce endured a significant setback when she detonated the Lothal City fuel depot in an attempt to eliminate the Spectres rebel cell. Although her actions resulted in the death of the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, Pryce also destroyed the Empire's fuel reserves on Lothal and incapacitated Thrawn's TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter factory. This incited Thrawn's anger, and he vowed to address the matter upon his return to Lothal.

In an effort to regain Thrawn's favor, Pryce spearheaded a disastrous assault on the Lothal cliff dwelling, only to be captured by the Spectres and Ryder Azadi's Lothal resistance group. Pryce later met her demise aboard the Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility, known as the "Dome", during the Liberation of Lothal.

Family tree

