The Higher Skies Advocacy Group functioned as a lobbying organization, championing the concerns of the people residing on Coruscant, such as the issue of substandard living conditions, before the government of the Galactic Empire. Driller MarDapp served as the leader of Higher Skies. During the Imperial Era, MarDapp brought Arihnda Pryce, who hailed from the planet of Lothal, into the fold. With Pryce's assistance, the Imperial Security Bureau uncovered Higher Skies' involvement with Nightswan's espionage operation—a network employing espionage to surveil members of the Imperial Senate.
During the Imperial Era under the Galactic Empire, the Higher Skies Advocacy Group operated as a Coruscanti interest group, with Driller MarDapp at its helm. Publicly, Higher Skies advocated for the welfare of Coruscant's inhabitants, addressing issues like inadequate housing with the Imperial government. Unbeknownst to the Empire at the time, the group's director had ties to an espionage operation that was monitoring the Imperial Senate on behalf of an insurgent known as Nightswan. By embedding a data-stealing program within its brochure data cards, Higher Skies managed to acquire sensitive information on several senators. They also collaborated with Juahir Madras, an instructor at the Yinchom Dojo, to enlist and convert government bodyguards into spies.
Eventually, MarDapp recruited [Arihnda Pryce](/article/arihnda_pryce], intending to exploit her for the spy ring's advantage. However, Higher Skies' activities drew the attention of Thrawn and Colonel Yularen, who suspected a connection between Higher Skies, Yinchom Dojo, and Nightswan. Their chance to investigate arose when Moff Ghadi tried to blackmail Pryce into becoming his spy. Having been similarly manipulated by Ghadi before, Pryce uncovered compromising information about him and presented it directly to Thrawn. Thrawn advised her to secure Tarkin's backing and to be prepared to betray Higher Skies, as he believed their involvement was deeper than it appeared. Pryce then met with Yularen, who revealed his and Thrawn's suspicions that some Higher Skies members were Rebels. Yularen also detected the data-stealing program and implemented a counter-program. Pryce discovered the group's connection to Nightswan and promptly reported her findings to Tarkin. She leveraged this information to gain influence within the Empire by exposing the group's activities to the Imperial Security Bureau and Grand Moff Tarkin, leading to numerous arrests and marking the beginning of Pryce's ascent to power.