
A Togorian woman named H'sishi was the proprietor of the Yinchom Dojo, a martial arts academy situated on the planet of Coruscant. Her school's purpose was to prepare bodyguards for service to Imperial senators and other government personnel. Juahir Madras, one of her martial arts instructors, secretly participated in Nightswan's espionage network operating on Coruscant. H'sishi had no knowledge of this conspiracy, and Captain Thrawn of the Imperial Navy exonerated her. Following the apprehension of Juahir and her accomplices, Arihnda Pryce suggested that H'sishi should leave Coruscant for her personal safety.


H'sishi was the owner of the Yinchom Dojo

During the Imperial Era, H'sishi, a skilled martial artist, owned and managed the Yinchom Dojo located in the galactic capital of Coruscant. For five years, the Yinchom Dojo successfully trained thirty bodyguards dedicated to protecting Imperial senators and government officials. Among her instructors was Juahir Madras, a human female who transitioned from being a waitress to a combat instructor. Unbeknownst to H'sishi, Juahir belonged to Nightswan's spy ring on Coruscant. Under the direction of Driller MarDapp, who headed the Higher Skies Advocacy Group, Juahir's mission was to recruit bodyguards as rebel agents to pilfer data files for Nightswan.

Following the events of the Circle Bay mayor's office protest, H'sishi received a visit from Imperial Security Bureau Colonel Wullf Yularen, Captain Thrawn, Ensign Eli Vanto, and ISB officers Roenton and Brook. Yularen wanted to investigate his suspicion that Nightswan was enlisting Senate and ministry bodyguards as rebel operatives. During the Imperials' visit, Juahir initially disregarded the visitors and continued sparring until H'sishi arrived and instructed her to stop. Arihnda Pryce, a friend of Juahir's who worked for Higher Skies, was also present.

Yularen informed H'sishi that he and his team were conducting a routine inspection of the dojos in Coruscant's Federal District specializing in government contracts and bodyguard training. H'sishi offered to retrieve the records. Before she did so, Thrawn requested a stick fighting match with her, feigning interest in finding trainers for a potential new urban combat unit in the Imperial Military. H'sishi suggested a demonstration with Instructor Madras, but Thrawn persuaded her to spar with him instead.

After a three-minute timer was set, H'sishi and Thrawn engaged in combat. After the match, H'sishi complimented Thrawn's fighting skills. Although she was unfamiliar with his Chiss style, she noted his high level of training. After handing the sticks to Madras, Thrawn asked if he could train with her in the Togorian form. H'sishi agreed, welcoming him as both a student and a teacher. She then retrieved the data card and gave it to Yularen.

After the visit, Thrawn explained to Yularen and Vanto that he had engaged in the combat match to determine if H'sishi was concerned that he knew of Pryce's connection with Higher Skies. While Thrawn had developed a certain skill for reading human emotions, he was unfamiliar with Togorians. Although Thrawn cleared H'sishi, he correctly suspected that her employee Madras was hiding something. Thrawn's suspicion was confirmed when Pryce exposed Higher Skies' espionage activities and offered to work as a double agent for the Empire in exchange for immunity.

After Pryce made a deal with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Pryce and Colonel Yularen visited the Yinchom Dojo and personally arrested Juahir. One of Madras' students, the bodyguard Kaniki, attempted to assassinate Senator Evidorn. Madras had convinced Kaniki of the Empire's evils. Following Madras' arrest, Yularen asked about H'sishi, who had been silently watching the arrest from her office doorway. Pryce pointed out that Thrawn had cleared her, which Yularen's records confirmed.

Pryce informed H'sishi that she had been cleared of any wrongdoing. However, she advised her to leave Coruscant immediately, as her former employee might attempt to shift blame onto her. H'sishi thanked Pryce and Colonel Yularen before returning to her office.

Personality and traits

H'sishi was a Togorian woman possessing feline characteristics, with short brown-white fur and yellow eyes. She was a skilled martial artist and the owner of the Yinchom Dojo. Unlike her employee Juahir Madras, H'sishi was not involved in Nightswan's spy ring. She admired Thrawn's combat skills and was willing to accept him as both a student and a teacher.


H'sishi wore a combination kilt and bandolier.

Behind the scenes

H'sishi made her debut in Timothy Zahn's 1997 Legends novel Specter of the Past, part of Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology. Her first Canon appearance was in Zahn's 2017 novel Thrawn.

The first illustration of H'sishi appeared in Marvel Comics Thrawn 3, a comic adaptation of the novel, which premiered on April 11, 2018. Luke Ross drew her, and Nolan Woodard colored her.

