Naval Troopers, also referred to as Star Destroyer troopers or Imperial Navy Troopers, were members of the Galactic Empire's military. They were assigned by the Imperial Navy as part of Imperial Fleet Regiments to function as military police, guards, and soldiers on various Star Destroyers and other Imperial installations, including the Death Star.
Alliance Special Forces personnel often mocked the Imperial Navy troopers, considering them a joke and believing they rarely anticipated combat. Although this was the opinion of SpecForce members, it was not entirely accurate. Navy troopers were typically well-equipped and properly trained for their duties. While they did participate in combat, they often lacked the battle-hardened experience of other troops. Navy troopers were relied upon more heavily at facilities and vessels located in more isolated areas. In certain instances, such as those stationed in the Outer Rim Territories, the Navy soldiers gained sufficient experience to pose a legitimate threat to their adversaries. However, in general, Imperial Navy troopers were not considered a significant challenge by members of the Rebel Alliance's SpecOps.
These troopers provided backup for stormtroopers and were established to give the Imperial Navy its own troop corps, distinct from the Imperial Army and Stormtrooper Corps, to protect their vessels. Imperial Navy troopers frequently moved in to conduct mop-up operations following the initial boarding actions carried out by Stormtroopers. However, Crix Madine, a former Imperial soldier who became a Rebel General, stated that naval troopers were more likely to be encountered during a boarding action.

In addition to their roles as soldiers and security personnel for the Galactic Empire, they managed hangar control traffic, monitored sensor arrays, and performed a variety of other tasks.
Some of the most capable Imperial Navy troopers were chosen to become Death Star troopers. On the first Death Star, they guarded the main conference room and both arrested and escorted prisoners to their holding cells. On the second Death Star, they operated the deflector shield and superlaser from the Death Star command center.
Certain individuals were selected to serve in the Imperial Navy Special Forces.
The uniform of Imperial Navy troopers consisted of a black suit along with a distinctive black protective helmet with a swooping design. They were typically armed with either a DH-17 blaster pistol or an E-11 blaster rifle, and they also carried a standard thermal detonator.

During the Imperial Period, Navy troopers of lower rank were tasked with piloting and maintaining the orbital climate control mirrors surrounding Coruscant. This duty, known as "riding the mirrors", was considered the most monotonous and isolating assignment within the Galactic Capital.
From 3 BBY to 0 BBY, Death Star troopers—a specialized group within the Imperial Navy troopers—served on board the first Death Star. One of them, Nova Stihl, attempted to flee the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin but was killed. When the Rebels successfully destroyed the Death Star, all Death Star troopers present on the battle station perished.
In 3 ABY, Imperial Navy troopers aboard the Executor were ordered to remove the body of Lorth Needa after he was executed by Darth Vader for the loss of the Millennium Falcon.
In 4 ABY, Death Star troopers were stationed on the second Death Star and the Endor moon, specifically within the Endor shield generator bunker. During the Battle of Endor, many troopers abandoned their posts on the Death Star, and those who remained were killed when the battle station was destroyed.
LEGO released a minifigure of this soldier in the 2008 Death Star, 2009 Battle of Endor, and 2012 TIE Fighter sets. These figures should not be confused with Imperial gunners, although the video game Force Unleashed features a similar Imperial militia force known as the Imperial Navy commandos.