The Death Star command center, also known by the names Death Star control room and command station, was situated on the second Death Star battle station. This location allowed for remote manipulation of the station's various systems, notably the deflector shield and the powerful superlaser.

This control room was a compact space found along the Equatorial trench of the second Death Star, not far from a small hangar. Inside, a series of computer terminals lined one wall, and a duty post held the superlaser's firing mechanism, which emitted a beep when ready. A turbolift, a doorway leading to a nearby corridor, and a viewport providing a view into the hangar below were also present. A large targeting screen dominated the wall opposite the terminals, with a smaller screen positioned behind the duty post. To the door's right, behind the duty post, a blaster rack contained a pair of A280 blaster rifles. Beyond firing the superlaser, the command center could also control the deflector shield's status and the station's rotation. The throne room contained duty posts and control consoles that could override the command center's functions.
In the year 4 ABY, Lieutenant Endicott, along with several Death Star troopers, including Sergeant Jad Bean, were assigned to this control room. Captain Yorr, while piloting Darth Vader's shuttle, contacted the command center, requesting the deflector shield be lowered for docking. After consulting with Endicott, who recognized Vader's ship, and verifying the shuttle's code, Bean disabled the shield and cleared the shuttle for approach. Endicott then instructed Bean to notify the station's commander, Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, of Vader's arrival.

Later, during the Battle of Endor, Jerjerrod, Endicott, and other personnel occupied the command center. Their efficiency was improved by Grand Admiral Nial Declann, a Force-sensitive individual, through the use of Battle meditation. Following direct orders from Emperor Palpatine, Jerjerrod authorized gunners in superlaser fire control to target Rebel ships, while a trooper in the main control room was given free rein to fire the superlaser. The superlaser commenced firing, obliterating the Liberty, the Urjani, the Redemption, and an MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser. The Imperials were compelled to stop shooting when the Rebel fleet, in response to the superlaser, engaged the Imperial navy at point blank range to restrict the Death Star's capability to destroy Rebel ships without risking their own. At some point, Bean relieved the trooper manning the superlaser firing station.
Ultimately, Palpatine issued Jerjerrod new instructions: to target Endor with the Death Star's superlaser if the Rebels succeeded in deactivating the deflector shield. Jerjerrod hesitated, pointing out that while the Rebels on the moon would perish, so too would the Imperial forces stationed there. He attempted to remind the Emperor of the Imperial troops present on the moon, but the Emperor reiterated his command, which Jerjerrod then accepted.
Eventually, the Rebels successfully disabled the shield generator by destroying the shield generator bunker. Upon losing contact with the bunker and confirming the shield's deactivation, Endicott informed Jerjerrod, who ordered the station to begin rotating towards the moon. As the station turned, the Imperials within the command center witnessed the battle's momentum shifting in favor of the Rebels, whose ships began bombarding the station due to the absence of the deflector shield. The command center, along with the entire station, began to collapse around the Imperials, with electrical fires erupting, areas experiencing cabin depressurization, and computer terminals exploding. Many crew members deserted their posts, desperately seeking escape, while others were injured or killed by the bombardment's effects. The remaining crew frantically attempted to target Rebel ships, though some were heavily demoralized and working ineffectively, as Declann had ceased using Battle meditation to rush to the Emperor's throne room upon sensing Palpatine's demise.
Jerjerrod ordered an aide to accelerate the station's rotation. With sixty seconds until firing, the aide handed Jerjerrod the firing mechanism before fleeing to save himself. At thirty seconds, the Death Star exploded, destroying the control room and killing all within, including Jerjerrod.