A duty post onboard the Death Star II
Duty posts, sometimes referred to as command sector duty posts, were circular stations for military personnel. These stations were famously utilized by organizations like the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and the Rebel Alliance. A single duty post functioned as a compact "mini bridge" for the commanding officers who were assigned to it.
These duty posts typically featured up to eight surrounding control panels. These panels included specific modules, such as a pair of duty monitor modules, a pair of command interface modules, a computer access module, a communications module, a secondary computer access module, and a damage control module. The duty monitor module had various instruments, including a security lockdown lever. The computer access module contained several instruments, including a pair of viewscreen buttons. The communications module was equipped with instruments such as process state indicators and a secure comlink. The command interface module had instruments including a command authority verifier. Each module was designed with red blinking lights on its outer edge, serving as status indicators.

Duty posts equipped with eight control boards included partially extendable frames. These frames could slide to the side, providing access for the assigned commanding officers. The base of each post was ventilated for air circulation.
Some duty posts were constructed to be wider and lower to the ground, accommodating multiple individuals. These models were also semi-circular but featured only five control boards. Some even included a holoprojector at the center.

Duty posts were installed in multiple Republic military facilities and vessels, including Venator-class Star Destroyers and a Republic military base located on Coruscant. Within the Venator, two duty posts were situated in the brigs. The military base featured one in its detention block control room and two in its tribunal courtroom. Furthermore, in 22 BBY, two duty posts were positioned in a Republic-controlled sector of Chaleydonia on Christophsis. During the Battle of Christophsis, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex utilized one of these posts for cover. A Republic-controlled space station above Ringo Vinda also featured a duty post. In 20 BBY, Separatist forces seized control of the space station. Two B1-Series battle droids then operated the duty post until their destruction during the Battle of Ringo Vinda.
The Separatists also made use of duty posts. Two were located in the General's quarters aboard the Invisible Hand. These were destroyed in 19 BBY when the vessel was torn apart during the Battle of Coruscant.
Duty posts were present on the overbridge of the original Death Star, manned by Death Star troopers. The station's Detention blocks also contained one; AA-23's was operated by Lieutenant Shann Childsen in 0 BBY. Furthermore, a duty post could be found in the Death Star II's control room, housing the firing mechanism for the station's superlaser. Sergeant Jad Bean and another Death Star trooper manned this post in 4 ABY.

On the second Death Star, the Emperor's throne room featured a pair of duty posts for his Royal Guards, positioned on the elevated platform where the Emperor's throne was located. Additional consoles were located beneath these duty posts. These consoles, along with the duty posts, could be used to override and control the battle station's functions. A third duty post was situated under a large hologram of the galaxy on the eastern side of the room. Two duty posts were also present in the throne room within Mount Tantiss on Wayland.
The Rebel Alliance also utilized duty posts on occasion. Examples include one located inside a research base on Polis Massa and two installed aboard the Tantive IV.
Ryder Windham, the author of the Death Star Owner's Technical Manual, conceived the idea of duty posts with eight control boards that could slide aside to allow personnel access. Windham considered it impractical for crew members to be lowered in via hydraulics or to access the posts through the floor.