The Polis Massa Research Base, alternatively called Polis Massa Base, functioned as a research outpost established by the Kallidahin people. It was located on the largest asteroid fragment originating from the destroyed planet Polis Massa. The Kallidahin archaeologists aimed to discover an evolutionary connection between their own species and the extinct indigenous population of Polis Massa, known as the Eellayin.

For approximately five centuries, research activities were conducted at Polis Massa Base. These activities included surveys and excavations throughout the asteroid belt. Fifty years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, researchers unearthed the remnants of the ancient city named Wiyentaah, situated near the base. A project dubbed "Local Dig" was promptly initiated, with artifacts discovered during the excavation transported to the Research Base for detailed analysis.
The researchers' ambitions extended beyond mere analysis. Utilizing cloning techniques acquired from the Kaminoans, the xenobiologists stationed at the Research Base sought to revive extinct organisms using ancient biological materials recovered from the Local Dig site. This endeavor necessitated the construction of a sophisticated biomedical facility as an integral component of the Polis Massa Base.
This sterile medical complex was outfitted with cutting-edge scientific instruments. It featured dedicated chambers for the examination of relics, along with medical centers specifically designed for experimentation involving genetic material brought to the facility. Observation domes offered views of the surrounding complex (such as Wayside Dome and Topside Dome), while a pair of landing bays facilitated access to the main base. Larger spacecraft were able to land directly on the surface of the asteroid itself.

Obi-Wan Kenobi transported Padmé Amidala to Polis Massa Base seeking immediate medical attention for the delivery of her twins. A GH-7 medical analysis unit oversaw Padmé's care, and a midwife droid was brought in once Amidala entered labor. Despite the droid's successful delivery of her twins, Padmé ultimately succumbed to her psychological trauma, passing away on the operating table due to a loss of the will to live.
Subsequently, the 501st Legion of the Galactic Empire launched an assault on the base. The conflict revolved around the Death Star plans, which had been transmitted from the Death Star by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during a prison break.