The military base utilized by the Galactic Republic was a military installation situated on the planet of Coruscant. Following the Bombing of the Jedi Temple Hangar, Letta Turmond and Ahsoka Tano were incarcerated within its walls, the latter being accused of the former's demise. Concurrently, Whorm Loathsom, Poggle the Lesser, Wat Tambor, along with a tactical droid, were also held as prisoners at this location. Its position was in proximity to the Venator-class Star Destroyer staging areas.
Within the confines of the base, one could find the First Battle Memorial, an extensive slab of Geonosian rock. This monument bore the inscribed names of all the clone troopers who perished during the battle.
The hallways were protected by either a sequence of double ray shielded segments or a set of blast doors.
One particular area of the base bore a striking resemblance to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. The cells provided two methods of entry: sliding a keycard or pressing a button located on the exterior of each cell. To prevent escapes, the cells were equipped with ray shielded doors. Inside each cell, there was a bed along with bowls intended for water and nourishment.
Another area within the prison consisted of a medium-sized circular room. This room contained a sizable computer used to scan individuals entering the base, a crate containing weapons and communication devices, and a red button that activated the red alert sequence.

The primary structure was fortified with rapidly firing heavy turbo laser turrets, as well as a series of deflector shields featuring two prominent projectors situated directly on the building.
The First Battle Memorial was constructed at the heart of the Republic base's plaza. Its purpose was to serve as a tribute to the clone troopers who lost their lives during the Battle of Geonosis. Surrounding the memorial were obelisks adorned with large carvings of clone troopers on each side, in addition to flags displaying the colors of the galactic roundel, which represented the Republic.
An airfield existed outside the prison, housing Venator-class Star Destroyers, Juggernauts, and other vessels, along with a refueling station. When Ahsoka Tano made her escape from the prison, she ventured onto the airfield with the intention of fleeing the compound. It was common to observe clone trooper squads patrolling the base while traversing the airfield. The First Battle Memorial was also located in this area.
A military tribunal courtroom was located within the compound, where the fate of dangerous criminals was decided. This courtroom was a tall room, featuring platforms extending into its center for the accused, prosecution, and defense. Seating was arranged along its walls for the presiding official, jury, and other participants and observers of the trial.

Letta Turmond was moved to the base because the bombing at the Jedi Temple had become a military matter. Admiral Tarkin stated that Letta had asked for Ahsoka Tano's presence. While at the base, she was framed by an unknown individual, who murdered the prisoner and assisted Ahsoka in escaping. This made Ahsoka look even more guilty. Commander Fox, Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, ARF trooper "Hound," his massiff Grizzer, and other clones, pursued her as she fled the facility.
After Tano was recaptured, and with suspicions on her made even worse after being found near a canister of nanobots, she was then subjected to a trial within the military base's tribunal courtroom. Just as her verdict was about to be delivered, Skywalker appeared with Barriss Offee, who confessed to being the actual perpetrator.
The base's design was made to foreshadow the rise of the Galactic Empire. To further emphasize this point, in the episode "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" the clones gradually ceased to obey the Jedi's commands. For example, when Anakin attempted to enter the prison to visit his Padawan, Commander Fox, acting under Tarkin's orders, denied him entry.
The base's courtroom was also intended to highlight the rise of the Galactic Empire. Production notes also revealed that the cylindrical tubes suspended from the ceiling were designed to resemble similar terminals found on the Death Star. However, the terminals themselves were repurposed from the engine rooms of the Venator-class Star Destroyers.