Superlaser Fire Control

The Superlaser Fire Control, also referred to as the Fire Control Room, was a compartment within the Theta Sector of both Death Stars, housing the superlaser controls. Gunners and Death Star troopers staffed this location. The first Death Star's Fire Control Room was situated near Detention Block 2180 and Hangars 84G and 85G.


The Fire Control Room of the first Death Star.

Present on both Death Stars, Fire Control had the responsibility of coordinating the firing of all the contributing superlasers and managing their alignment using a magnetic ring. Inside the room were eight computers used to control the lasers, accompanied by four backup stations. While the firing switch was located within Fire Control on the first Death Star, the second battlestation placed it in the main control room.


The first Death Star

Before 0 BBY, a group of Rebel prisoners managed to escape from Detention Block 2180 and seize control of the Fire Control Room. Stormtroopers belonging to the 501st Legion countered this prison break, successfully retaking the room.

An Imperial gunner in the fire room

Later on, Imperial gunner Tenn Graneet and his assigned team were positioned in Superlaser Fire Control following months of training in the Superlaser Simulator. When the Fortressa, a Rebel Lucrehulk-class battleship, arrived and launched its fighters, Fire Control engaged the superlaser, obliterating the Lucrehulk. Eventually, they received orders to target the planet Despayre. The superlaser, operating at only thirty-three percent power, needed three shots to completely destroy the planet. Subsequently, the crew was instructed to destroy Alderaan. Graneet, responsible for activating the firing switch, became demoralized and harbored resentment towards the Empire as a result of this action.

When the Rebels attacked the station after discovering their base on Yavin 4, Graneet, still disturbed by Alderaan's destruction, hesitated to pull the firing lever when the Death Star was within range. Instead, he repeatedly told his crew to "stand by..." as he pondered his actions. This delay allowed Luke Skywalker, a Rebel pilot, sufficient time to launch proton torpedos into a thermal exhaust port, triggering the Death Star's explosion. The Fire Control room was destroyed, killing everyone inside, including Graneet.

The second Death Star

Following the Battle of Yavin, when the Death Star was reconstructed, a Superlaser Fire Control room was included in the new station's design. During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, gunners within Fire Control targeted Rebel ships, which the superlaser promptly destroyed. However, the gunners were compelled to cease firing when the Rebel fleet engaged the Imperial fleet at close range, preventing the Death Star from targeting Rebel ships without risking friendly fire.

As the battle shifted in favor of the Rebels, the crew received directives to target the Endor moon if the Rebels successfully disabled the shield generator. After Rebel Han Solo detonated the shield generator bunker, the crew verified the deflector shield's deactivation and began rotating the station towards Endor. With the station only thirty seconds away from firing, the Death Star was destroyed by damage to its reactor inflicted by the Rebels. The resulting explosion destroyed the Fire Control room and eliminated all personnel onboard.

